While the semester just got started, it’s never too early to make plans for fall break.
This semester any WKU student can apply to go on a low-cost, four day trip to Cincinnati, Ohio with the Department of Student Activities.
The fall semester alternative break is scheduled from September 30 to October 3, and the deadline to apply for the trip is September 11. The application can be found on the WKU website.
There are only eight spots available for the trip, so students will be selected based on community service experience and level of commitment, according to the website.
The cost of the trip is $75 for students, and Student Activities will cover the remaining expenses.
Student Activities has offered alternative break options during the fall and spring semesters for over a decade to provide students with travel opportunities and volunteer experience across the region, ShyAnte’e Williams, Student Activities graduate assistant, said.
While in Cincinnati, students will explore historical sites and local attractions, try local food and volunteer in the community for up to four hours, Williams said.
“It’s a great opportunity for students who haven’t been able to travel a lot,” Williams said. “It’s just to go explore and see what Cincinnati is all about.”
News Reporter Madison Carter can be reached at madison.carter312@topper.wku.edu