“Child of the Night: Pirates of the Mediterranean,” written by Alan White, WKU theatre program coordinator, is to be performed at the Russell Miller Theatre from Oct. 26-30.
White modeled the adaptation after “The Son of the Night” written by Victor Séjour, Alexandre Dumas, père, Gérard de Nerval and Bernard Lopez in the 19th century, according to director Carol Jordan.
“The final version appears to have been written mostly by Séjour, who is a particularly interesting figure in theatre history because he was the first Black American professional playwright,” Jordan said.
Jordan added, “by adapting and staging this play, we hope to generate new interest in his work, as well as in the wild, wonderful world of Romantic melodrama.”
“This is a show filled with stolen children, love triangles, street brawls and swashbuckling, set in the contentious world of sixteenth-century Naples,” Jordan said.
The adaptation has a cast of 25 students along with multiple student designers.
“Not only is this a world premiere, but the production features student designers leading the creative work in sets, costumes, and the visual aspects that bring the world of the play to life,” White said.
The show will run Thursday through Monday, with a showing on Sunday at 2 p.m. and showings on the other days at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $16 for adults and $12 for students and seniors.
“We are thrilled to stage this world premiere theatrical event and we hope the WKU and Bowling Green communities will join us for this epic adventure,” Jordan added.
Dale Magre, who plays Donato in the production, said, “this production has so many different people with so many wonderful ideas that come from all directions, and it makes the process so much more exciting and rewarding.”
“There is so much opportunity for growth from it and it makes each performance worth it,” Magre said.
News Reporter Kaylee Hawkins can be reached at [email protected]