Editor’s Note: A text was sent to Southwest Hall residents at 3:55 p.m. stating that Southwest Hall is estimated to reopen at 6:30 p.m.
WKU Southwest Hall residents received a text at 1:48 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 21, notifying them that a pipe burst, causing a flood in the building.
“Whiprinkler [sprinkler] pipe burst has occurred in Southwest Hall causing a flood,” the text stated.
Residents have been instructed by the police department to relocate to either the lobby of Munday Hall or DSU.
Students whose rooms are impacted will be reached out to individually, and staff is working to clear the water.
“Staff is working to clear the flood and you [students] will be notified via text when it is clear to return to the building,” the text stated.
News Editor Molly Dobberstein can be reached at [email protected]