The WKU Student Government Association met Tuesday night to swear in new committee heads, campus committees and to discuss spring scholarship opportunities.
Student Body President Sam Kurtz nominated Senator Madison Parker Payne as the Outreach Committee chair.
“I know we had several ideas from last fall that we really wanted to see through and I’m excited to be nominated,” Payne said.
With a one-sided debate, Payne was approved as the Outreach Committee chair.
Kurtz also appointed Senator Sophia Bryant as the Mental Health and Well-Being Committee Chair.
“We’re going to get the ball rolling with our committee meetings,” Bryant said, “and we’re really excited.”
With a speech in affirmation given by Legislative Operations Committee chair Meghan Pierce, and no speeches in ligation, Bryant was approved as the Metal Health and Well-Being Committee Chair.
Kurtz encouraged senators to continue to spend the budget given to them
“I’m probably going to continue to reiterate on it until it is spent, but we do have a very large amount of the Senate budget still available to spend,” Kurtz said. “So with that being said, don’t wait till the last week of school when the iron is hot.”
Executive Vice President Annalise Finch appointed two new Campus Committee heads. Jaden Marshall as the Graduate Advisory Council Committee and Chloe Ralston as the Colonnade General Education Committee.
“I will take this position and hold it with great honor,” Marshall said. “I will take it and do whatever I can to make an impact on this campus in a positive way.”
With a one-sided debate, Marshall was approved as the Graduate Advisory Council Committee.
“I’m new here and I’ve loved my time here and I’m excited to have this opportunity,” Ralston said.
With a one-sided debate, Ralston was approved as the Colonnade General Education Committee.
SGA spring scholarships are still open and available to fill out on the SGA website.
Director of Enrollment and Student Experience Sarah Vincent and other members of SGA are to go to Bowling Green High School to present about the scholarship opportunities. The Community Builder Excellence scholarship is for incoming freshmen only.
Student Experience and Enrollment Committee chair Anne-Marie Wright announced future plans to table in or around DSU to make students on campus aware of scholarship opportunities that SGA provides.
New Committee heads and Campus Committees were sworn in at the end of the meeting by Chief Justice Isaac King.
News Reporter Maggie Phelps can be reached at