Adin Parks
Volunteer Tim Harrington, left, holds up a hoodie for Denis Hajric, middle to examine. Harrington and volunteer Brenda Willoughby sifted through donated clothes at Kummer Recreation Center on Jan. 19. Harrington and Willoughby were volunteers from Christ Episcopal Church, which held homeless individual overnight on Jan. 16. Clothes and other items were often donated by community members the warming centers in an effort to help support the people in need.
With temperatures dropping below freezing, non-profit volunteers from the Bowling Green community scrambled to set up warming centers for people in need. From Jan. 16 through Jan. 21, centers were available from 7 a.m-5 p.m. The Salvation Army and local churches were available at night for people to sleep and stay out of the cold.
“I think there’s a lot of room for growth in this community in terms of just making sure folks have a safe place to be, whether it’s cold or warm,” Emily Witthuhn, a leadership team member at Bowling Green Neighbors, said. “I am happy to see these different organizations banding together to make something like this happen.”
Community organizations such as State Street United Methodist Church, Christ Episcopal Church, BG Neighbors, Warren County Public Library, Room in the Inn and The Salvation Army communicated with each other to bring together supplies and items for those staying at the shelter.
Various donors and organizations supplied the centers, which helped people like Celeste Hazelwood, a shelter attendee. Hazelwood found that the warming centers were able to help her stay warm, feed her and supply her with clothes and items.
“I’m just trying to stay warm and happy,” Hazelwood said.
Staff Photographer Adin Parks can be reached at adin.parks287@topper.wku.edu.