“Sing, My Child” featured performances from the Treble Chorus, University Singers and the Chorale on Friday, March 8.
This was the choir program’s first Friday evening performance. In the past, concerts have commonly been held on Sunday evenings according to Hanna Knox, a freshman music education major and University Singers member.
“Since the concert is on a Friday we hope more can come out and enjoy the music,” Hanna Knox said.
Six of the pieces performed during the concert were in Latin.
“The coolest part about this concert is that the English translations for the songs will be on the screen,” Knox said, “They don’t normally do that.”
The music department offers many choirs ranging from Chorale to University Singers, which is open to all majors with a modest audition.
Senior psychology major Jay Hightower, is in her second year in choir. She is now a member of the Chorale, after previously participating in the University Singers.
“It’s great to have a place where I don’t have to be a music major but I can still sing the music I enjoy,” Hightower said.“Nothing I have seen compares to choir at WKU,” Hightower said.