Voting for the Student Government Association Spring 2024 general election is now open on TopNet until Tuesday at 11:59 p.m., with over 60 students on the ballot.
“The Student Government Association of Western Kentucky University is more than just a student organization,” WKU SGA’s website states. “We are passionate about all our students here on campus and focus extensively on advocating on their behalf. At WKU, we believe that all students–regardless of who they are or where they come from–deserve a university community that values and respects their voices and lives.”
The Candidates
Executive Council
The seats of student body president, executive vice president and administrative vice president are available.
Student Body President and Student Regent Sam Kurtz, a junior business management and administration major, Chief of Staff Donté Reed, a junior biology major, and Junior Senator Ethan Taylor, a junior finance major, are running unopposed for the roles of student body president, executive vice president and administrative vice president, respectively.
Legislative Council
Three senior senator, three junior senator, three sophomore senator, one Potter College of Arts and Letters senator, one College of Education and Behavioral Sciences senator, one Gordon Ford College of Business senator, one Ogden College senator, one Intercultural Student Engagement Center senator, one first-generation senator, one transfer/non-traditional senator and 14 senator at large seats are available.
Dalton Adams
Dalton Adams is running for PCAL senator, first-generation senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Adams did not respond for further comment before publication.
Cavin Ashman
Cavin Ashman is running for GFCB senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Ashman did not respond for further comment before publication.
Kaison Barton
Kaison Barton is running for CHHS senator and first-generation senator.
Barton did not respond for further comment before publication.
Sophia Bryant
Sophia Bryant, a sophomore psychological sciences and Spanish double major, is running for PCAL senator, Ogden College Senator, senior senator and senator at large.
Bryant began her involvement with SGA in 2023, and has since served as a senator at large and committee head for the Student Mental Health and Wellbeing committee.
She is also involved with Delta Zeta (DZ), the Feminist Student Union, and the Mahurin Honors College, where she is a member of the Honors Social Planning Board and Out in Honors.
“I want to serve on the SGA Senate because I am extremely passionate about enacting positive change on campus,” Bryant said. “I have a very unique viewpoint that allows me to analyze university issues in a meaningful way and write productive legislation. I want to continue serving the student body and fighting to promote mental health initiatives on campus, especially those which focus on the intersectionality of mental health and marginalized communities.”
Eli Carter
Eli Carter is running for GFCB senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Carter did not respond for further comment before publication.
Hannah Crable
Hannah Crable, a junior biology major, is running for senior senator, Ogden College senator and first-generation senator.
Crable is involved with the Global Brigades at WKU.
“I want to be able to help students know that their problems are just as important as anyone else’s and that they have a voice, Crable said. “I want to be a middleman for students who feel like they can’t speak up about issues [or] challenges they are facing.”
Kelly Carrazan Cuevas
Kelly Carrazan Cuevas, a sophomore professional legal studies and political science double major, is running for PCAL senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Carrazan Cuevas is involved with the Pre-Law Association, Mock Trial and the Dean’s Council of Students.
“I want to be in SGA because I want to make a tangible difference in the lives of my peers,” Carrazan Cuevas said. “I want to serve my community in ways that exemplify the values of fairness, transparency, equity, and social justice. Additionally, through SGA I hope to be an inspiration towards those who share the same sentiments as me.”
David Darnell
David Darnell is running for PCAL senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Darnell did not respond for further comment before publication.
Ryan Dilts
Ryan Dilts is running for GFCB senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Dilts did not respond for further comment before publication.
Katie Dudgeon
Katie Dudgeon, a freshman sociology, criminology and psychology triple major, is running for PCAL senator, CEBS senator and senator at large.
Dudgeon is involved with the Department of Sociology and Criminology Student Ambassadors, the American Sign Language program, and plans on being part of PCAL Dean’s Council of Students next academic year.
“Joining SGA presents an invaluable opportunity for me to engage in our Hilltopper community,” Dudgeon said. “I firmly believe in the power of advocacy and service as catalysts for positive change, and, at WKU, I am determined to work to amplify the voices of those often marginalized or overlooked, ensuring that every student has representation in SGA. I am specifically passionate about promoting mental health, disability awareness, and LGBTQ+ inclusion/acceptance. I am confident that, together, we can create meaningful and lasting change here on the hill.”
Sawyer Edmunds
Sawyer Edmunds is running for GFCB senator, transfer/non-traditional senator and junior senator.
Edmunds did not respond for further comment before publication.
Hannah Evans
Hannah Evans, a sophomore marketing sales major is running for GFCB senator, first-generation senator, junior senator, and senator at large.
Evans began her involvement with SGA in 2023, and has since served as a sophomore senator and a member of the SGA Legislative Operations committee.
She is also involved with Chi Omega (ChiO) and the Good Deeds Club.
“I want to be in SGA so I can continue to write bills and resolutions that enrich the lives of the students at WKU,” Evans said.
Megan Farmer
Megan Farmer, a junior human resource management major, is running for GFCB senator, senior senator and senator at large.
Farmer began her involvement with SGA during her sophomore year, and has since served as a senator-at-large, and a representative in the Faculty Engagement and Opportunites Workgroup and the Parking and Transportation Appeals Board.
She is also involved with the WKU Treble Chorus.
“I want to be in SGA because I want to be the Speaker of the Senate,” Farmer said. “In this role, I would act as an impartial mediator for the senate. I can tell this is going to be an amazing group of senators, and I want to give all the support I can. […] If I don’t win the Speaker vote, I would hope to get the Gordon Ford College of Business Senator. I have been a GFCB student since freshman year when I joined their LLC. I have adored my experience in the college and have a lot of ideas on how to support the students in the GFCB.”
Emily Ferrier
Emily Ferrier is running for GFCB senator, transfer/non-traditional senator and senator at large
Ferrier did not respond for further comment before publication.
Annie Finch
Annie Finch is running for first-generation senator, CEBS senator, senior senator and senator at large.
Finch did not respond for further comment before publication.
Sarah Gamble
Sarah Gamble is running for PCAL senator, first-generation senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Gamble did not respond for further comment before publication.
Myricle Gholston
Myricle Gholston, a sophomore political science and criminology double major, is running for PCAL senator, ISEC senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Gholston is involved with ISEC, the WKU chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Powderpuff Football, Miss Black and Gold Pageant, Train Like an Alpha and the Criminology Living Learning Committee (LLC).
“One of my main reasons for running in this election is representation; I know that I can support the causes and worries of African American students as well as those of all other underrepresented and neglected groups,” Gholston said. “I believe that by doing this, I can actively participate in our student government association and further diversity and inclusion. I believe that all of the students here deserve an environment in which they can express themselves and comfortably be.”
Malick Ibrahim
Malick Ibrahim is running for Ogden College senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Ibrahim did not respond for further comment before publication.
Jade Ismail
Jade Ismail, a freshman psychological sciences major with a psychiatry pre-med concentration, is running for Ogden College senator, first-generation senator, sophomore senator and senator-at-large.
Ismail is involved with WKU Forensics.
“As a future SGA member, I look to represent those silenced,” Ismail said. “My entire life, I was told that I was ‘too much’ or that I would never see success if I didn’t ‘act a certain way.’ Every day that I wake up and choose to be my most authentic self, I prove them wrong. SGA is more than an organization. It is a statement. It tells other black, queer, and minority students on campus that ‘I am enough.’
Preston Jenkins
Preston Jenkins, a sophomore photojournalism and political science double major, is running for PCAL senator, first-generation senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Jenkins is involved with WKU Student Publications and the WKU chapter of the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA).
“I want to be in SGA first and foremost to represent my fellow students,” Jenkins said. “I promise that my ears will always be open to new ideas. I want students to feel like they have a voice in our student government and on our campus. I plan to use SGA’s budget to fund every corner of WKU’s campus equally, with scholarships and organizational aid. I will support the continued effort from the previous administrations to drive student engagement into SGA, as I feel without student engagement, there is no S just GA. We need to put the student back in Student Government Association. WKU has given me so many opportunities to succeed, I feel that it is my duty to give back to the students and school, as well as my time and effort to improve the lives of my fellow peers.”
Gabe Jerdon
Gabe Jerdon, a sophomore civil engineering major, is running for Ogden College Senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Jerdon began his involvement with SGA in January, and has since served as a sophomore senator at large and member of the Enrollment and Student Experiences committee.
He is also involved with WKU Spirit Masters, Midnight on the Hill, Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEP) and the WKU chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineering.
“I’ve really enjoyed being apart of this organization,” Jerdon said. “Since I did not have a full term due to a late position opening, I was just starting to get into a groove. I am hoping to get to work on some bills in the upcoming term that will benefit each and every student.”
John King
John King is running for CEBS senator, senior senator and senator at large.
King did not respond for further comment before publication.
Savanna Kurtz
Savanna Kurtz, a sophomore communication disorders major, is running for CHHS senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Kurtz began her involvement with SGA last fall and has since served as a freshman senator and member of the Community Relations committee.
She is also involved with Alpha Omricon Pi (AOII), Best Buddies and the Circle of Sisterhood.
“I’m hoping to continue the Community Builder Excellence Scholarship that my committee and I started this year, “ Kurtz said. “I also would like to continue my bill ideas that I did not get to this year. SGA has brought me many opportunities and mentors and I have loved my experience as a freshman senator.”
Colin Loveless
Colin Loveless is running for Ogden College senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Loveless did not respond for further comment before publication.
Caden Lucas
Caden Lucas, a freshman political science and legal studies double major, is running for PCAL senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Lucas is involved with the Pre-Law Student Association, the Dynamic Leadership Institute, the WKU chapter of Habitat for Humanity, Omicron Delta Kappa and the Mahurin Honors College, where he serves as a Teaching Fellow.
“As a fourth-generation Hilltopper, the WKU community means so much to me and my entire family,” Lucas said. “I want to ensure our university operates as an equitable place for all students of all backgrounds, and that WKU is a place that everyone wants to call home. I will do this by creating various endeavors that focus on community-building, cooperation, and teamwork [and] believe I can create a more inclusive and family-like environment for the students of WKU.”
Jaden Marshall
Jaden Marshall, a freshman broadcasting major, is running for ISEC senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Marshall began his involvement with SGA in December and has since served as a senator at large.
He is also involved with the Why Knot Us Black Male Initiative and the National Association of Black Journalists.
“Coming to WKU in the fall, I wanted to get involved,” Marshall said. “I found out about SGA via social media and instantly checked out the website and fell in love with the organization as a whole. I’ve always wanted to help students and create a positive impact on campus. That’s my goal [and] mission.”
Adam Meadows
Adam Meadows is running for Ogden College senator, first-generation senator, senior senator and senator at large.
Meadows did not respond for further comment before publication.
Thomas Pabin
Thomas Pabin is running for CHHS senator, senior senator and senator at large.
Pabin did not respond for further comment before publication.
Madison Payne
Madison Payne, a junior biochemistry major, is running for Ogden College senator, senior senator and senator at large.
Payne began her involvement with SGA in 2023 and has since served as an Ogden College senator, the committee head for the Outreach and Student Experience committee and on the university committee for Strategic Planning and Implementation.
She is also involved with Alpha Gamma Delta (AGD), Chemistry Club, Omicron Delta Kappa and Alpha Epsilon Delta.
“When I ran last year, I had hopes of branching STEM into a larger portion of campus,” Payne said. “The Ogden College is very diverse with its studies and that brings forward new ideas. Moving forward, I would like to see more recognition for individuals in my college for their accomplishments. I am a pre-medicine student currently applying to medical school. [The] health and well-being of students are vital factors for success. Legislation that I have supported in the last year has been in the pursuit of this goal. Recognition of students who have faced health ailments has also been something that I have been and always will be an advocate for.”
Cadence Peralta
Cadence Peralta is running for PCAL senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Peralta did not respond for further comment before publication.
Karisha Petty
Karisha Petty, a freshman public relations major, is running for PCAL senator, first-generation senator, sophomore senator and senator-at-large.
Petty is involved with WKU Forensics, the Social Work Student Union and the Queer Student Union (QSU).
“My aspiration to join the Student Government Association is driven by a genuine desire to serve as an active, impactful senator who truly represents the voices and needs of our student body,” Petty said. “[I want] to advocate for all students, and draft and pass legislation, that benefit[s] our students. I’ve observed instances where individuals assume positions within the SGA but struggle to effect meaningful change. My goal is to transform this perception by being not just a member but a catalyst for real, positive developments within our community.”
Arianna Pierson
Arianna Pierson is running for PCAL senator, ISEC senator, first-generation senator and senior senator.
Pierson did not respond for further comment before publication.
Micah Poole
Micah Poole, a sophomore mechanical engineering major, is running for PCAL senator, Ogden College Senator, ISEC senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Poole is involved with WKU Forensics, QSU and ISEC.
“I aspire to be a voice for my communities within the Student Government Association,” Poole said. “As a Black non-binary parent, I understand the importance of ensuring that all voices are heard and represented in decision-making processes on our campus. WKU boasts a rich tapestry of backgrounds and experiences, and I am committed to championing initiatives that enhance the campus experience for every individual. I plan to advocate for robust policies and fostering an inclusive environment, I aim to address systemic issues and promote a culture of acceptance and understanding.”
Kennedy Potter
Kennedy Potter is running for PCAL senator, senior senator and senator at large.
Potter did not respond for further comment before publication.
Jax Price
Jax Price is running for Ogden College senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Price did not respond for further comment before publication.
Chloe Ralston
Chloe Ralston, a freshman nursing major, is running for CHHS senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Ralston began her involvement with SGA last semester and has since served as a freshman senator and a member of the Colonnade General Education and Enrollment and Student Experience committees.
She is also involved with Alpha Delta Pi (ADPI), WKU Admissions Ambassadors, WKU Core, and Campus Intramurals.
“The opportunity to serve in the Student Government Association is an honor,” Ralston said. “To be able to be a voice and advocate for students’ voices on campus is very impactful. I hope to stay involved with enrollment and experience by working in hand with the SGA scholarships, along with adding more in the next year. I hope to serve and help coordinate events or initiatives to enhance campus life by building community. I want to be able to connect with my peers and serve in every way possible. I hope to be someone who can support students throughout the term. I want to help students get involved with SGA and know they can write bills and resolutions. Overall, being in the Student Government Association would provide a platform to be able to contribute to the campus, students, and community as a whole at Western Kentucky University.”
Ryan Riggs
Ryan Riggs, a sophomore biology major, is running for Ogden College senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Riggs is involved with the WKU American Medical Student Association (AMSA), Omricon Delta Kappa (ODK) and Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI).
“I am running for SGA because I am deeply committed to representing the interests and concerns of my fellow students, Riggs said. “Within any of the three positions I’m running for, I see an opportunity to amplify the voices of those who may feel unheard and to advocate for positive change within our campus community. I aim to uphold the integrity and reputation of each position I am vying for, while also striving to enact meaningful initiatives that enhance the overall student experience.”
Rush Robinson
Rush Robinson, a sophomore psychology, philosophy and sociology triple major is running for PCAL senator, CEBS senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Robinson began his involvement with SGA in 2022 and has since served as a freshman senator, sophomore senator, secretary of the senate and the secretary and committee chair of the Campus Improvements and Sustainability committee.
He is also involved with Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp), the Mahurin Honors College, where he is a member of the Honors Social Planning Board, the Dynamic Leadership Institute, MountainToppers Rock Climbing Club, History Club and Omricon Delta Kappa.
“I want to be someone that students can come to with any problem or concern on campus,” Robinson said. “The reason I have run for SGA and continue to rerun is the same reason I serve as a campus Tour Guide and CEBS Peer Mentor. I simply love serving WKU and its student body.”
Rawa Sam
Rawa Sam, a freshman biochemistry major, is running for Ogden College Senator, ISEC senator, first-generation senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Sam is involved with the Muslim Student Association, African Student Union, ISEC and Chemistry Club.
“As a black, female Muslim student, running for the Student Government Association, offers an opportunity to represent and advocate for the diverse perspectives and needs within the student body,” Sam said. “I aim to promote inclusivity, equity, and representation within the campus community. My goals include implementing initiatives to address issues such as cultural sensitivity, diversity training for faculty and staff, access to resources for underrepresented groups, and fostering a welcoming and supportive campus environment for all students. Additionally, I hope to facilitate dialogue and collaboration among different student organizations to promote understanding and unity across various backgrounds and identities.”
Guan Zhou Sim
Guan Zhou Sim is running for Ogden College senator, senior senator senator at large
Sim did not respond for further comment before publication.
Cole Simpson
Cole Simpson, a freshman mechanical engineering major, is running for Ogden College senator, first-generation senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Simpson is involved with Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp) and the Dynamic Leadership Institute.
“I want to be a part of SGA because I want to make a difference here at WKU,” Simpson said. “I want to help my fellow classmates succeed and enjoy their time at college while they do that.”
Karley Solorzano
Karley Solorzano is running for Ogden College senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Solorzano did not respond for further comment before publication.
Gabe Suiter
Gabe Suiter is running for Ogden College senator, transfer/non-traditional senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Suiter did not respond for further comment before publication.
Nicholas Trefny
Nicholas Trefny is running for Ogden College senator.
Trefny did not respond for further comment before publication.
Amelia Tucker
Amelia Tucker, a freshman agricultural education major, is running for Ogden College senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Tucker is involved with the WKU chapter of Delight Ministries.
“I believe that all students deserve a voice and that I can amplify their voice if elected,” Tucker said. “My background and experience in the agricultural industry is a unique view that I will use to best serve WKU students. I hope to increase transparency about SGA programs and proceedings and ensure that every student feels like their perspective matters.”
Sarah Vincent
Sarah Vincent, a junior public health and healthcare administration double major, is running for CHHS Senator, senior senator, and senator at large.
Vincent began her involvement with SGA in 2022, and has since served as a senator-at-large, a junior senator, secretary of the senate and the director of SGA’s Enrollment and Student Experience committee.
She is also involved with Kappa Delta (KD), Topper Orientation Program, Omicron Delta Kappa, Order of Omega, Student Rural Health Association, and CHHS ambassadors.
“SGA has allowed me to develop my leadership skills, advocate for different campus groups, meet new people, and learn more about how students can inspire change on WKU’s campus,” Vincent said. “This would be my third year serving within SGA, and having been involved within both legislative and executive branches, I am a knowledgeable candidate. In the upcoming year, I hope to engage more heavily with campus departments to hear exactly what they want to see from SGA. I also hope to get more students that are not in SGA involved in our SGA committees and legislation writing process.”
Ella Violette
Ella Violette, a freshman pre-nursing major, is running for CHHS senator, sophomore senator and senator-at-large.
“This has been an amazing first year here at Western,” Violette said. “If given the chance, I cannot wait to give back to the school and all of the students, as well as include myself in one of the many great organizations on campus while trying something new.”
Bradley Wagoner
Bradley Wagoner, a freshman finance major, is running for GFCB senator, first-generation senator, sophomore senator and senator-at-large.
Wagoner is involved with Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI).
“I am eager to take on a leadership role that allows me to effectively serve and advocate for the diverse student body at Western Kentucky University,” Wagoner said. “My goal is to represent those who may feel marginalized or unheard, contributing to the development and enhancement of our campus community. As a first-generation student actively involved in Greek life, I believe I possess a unique platform to amplify the voices and concerns of a wide variety of students at WKU.”
Jenna Wells
Jenna Wells, a junior accounting and data analytics double major, is running for GFCB senator, senior senator and senator at large.
Wells began her involvement with SGA in during her sophomore year, and has since served as a freshman senator, GFCB senator, and committee head for the Student Enrollment and Experience committee.
She is also involved with Alpha Delta Pi (ADPI), Beta Alpha Psi, WKU Spirit Masters, Order of Omega, Outdoor Recreation Adventure Center (ORAC), the Mahurin Honors College Student and Christian Student Fellowship (CSF).
“It’s an exciting time to be a Gordon Ford College of Business student and I am confident in my abilities to work alongside Dean Thrasher to create new opportunities and resources for WKU business students,” Wells said. “I see exactly what WKU excels in and it would be a shame to leave this place without ensuring access for all students to the resources and opportunities I have had here so far. […] I believe my prior experiences working with administrators and SGA senators before me will allow me to encourage RSO growth and create additional initiatives to connect WKU’s diverse yet tight-knit community.”
Evan Wessel
Evan Wessel is running for Ogden College senator.
Wessel did not respond for further comment before publication.
Gabrielle Winston
Gabrielle Winston, a freshman clinical psychology major, is running for ISEC senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Winston is involved with ISEC, the Black Student Alliance and Black Women of Western.
“I want to be a part of SGA to not only make a difference, but to be a representative of the community that has truly made my experience at WKU, which is ISEC,” Winston said. “While I am ISEC Senator, I will take into consideration the thoughts and opinions from students that are a part of ISEC as their representative. Also, I hope to change the amount of ISEC Senators. The purpose of ISEC is to offer a safe environment for students of color and other underrepresented students on Western’s campus.”
Dayvon Woodward
Dayvon Woodward, a sophomore geological sciences major, is running for Ogden College senator, first-generation senator, ISEC senator and junior senator.
Woodward is involved with the Black Student Alliance, Why Knot Us Black Male Initiative, the Geology Club and is a Resident Assistant.
“I would like to be in SGA to efficiently and effectively do my job; promote and advocate the wants and needs of Western’s students,” Woodward said. “For the past two years of me being on campus, others students and I feel that we have constantly gone unheard and looked over. After recent events, it is now the time to enact change within all aspects of WKU. I a hope to properly be the voice for students around western, and be able to make the underrepresented and overlooked feel heard and seen.”
Ella Wooten
Ella Wooten is running for GFCB senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Wooten did not respond for further comment before publication.
Anne-Marie Wright
Anne-Marie Wright, a junior psychology major, is running for CEBS senator, senior senator and senator at large.
Wright began her involvement with SGA in 2022, and has since served as a senator-at-large, a junior senator and committee head of SGA’s Enrollment and Student experience committee.
She is also involved with Alpha Xi Delta, the Panhellenic Council, Order of Omega and Rho Lambda.
“I am running for re-election because I feel that my time in SGA is not up and I still want to increase my impact at WKU,” Wright said. “I am hoping to continue initiatives that I worked on this year, like the Pink Walk for breast cancer research and tabling for scholarships and scantrons to increase awareness of SGA’s resources. I also would like to bring new ideas to SGA, for example, offering free school supplies, like folders, notebooks and planners, to students at the beginning of each semester.”
Caroline Yates
Caroline Yates, a freshman elementary education major, is running for CEBS senator, sophomore senator and senator at large.
Yates is involved with Alpha Delta Pi (ADPI) and Dance Big Red.
“As I reflect on my first year as a Hilltopper, I can confidently proclaim that I have been pushed to become a better student, friend, and leader,” Yates said. “The relationships I have formed and the challenges I have overcome have helped me grow in more ways than I could’ve imagined, which is ultimately why I want to become a part of SGA. As an SGA Senator, I would strive to help current and future students take advantage of all WKU has to offer, while simultaneously promoting and implementing even more involvement opportunities. My hope is to make every student, whether they are a first-time freshman or a senior taking their last walk on the Hill, feel valued and heard across our campus and in our community.”
Maggie Yelton
Maggie Yelton is running for junior senator and senator at large.
Yelton did not respond for further comment before publication.
Brodie Young
Brodie Young is running for CHHS senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Young did not respond for further comment before publication.
Van Zing
Van Zing, a junior business management major, is running for GFCB senator, first-generation senator, junior senator and senator at large.
Zing is involved with ISEC.
“I believe that the student government should reflect the student body,” Zing said. “As part of the student body, you [students] deserve your [their] needs, interests, and opinions towards all aspects of university life to be addressed. This is also promoted by WKU SGA for all students. However, this is not reflected as of now because minority students are underrepresented in SGA. If I get elected for a senate position, as your [students’] representative, I will ensure against further disparage by formally bringing the senate’s attention to address your [students’] needs, interests, and opinions. I will endorse policies and programs in your [students’] best interest. I will do this by informing and updating you [the student body] on upcoming legislation. I will also be available to reach via e-mail on concerns over legislation or proposals for legislation. I want to be a voice that represents you [students].”
Assistant News Editor Ali Costellow can be reached at