The Student Government Association welcomed guest speaker Martha Sales, dean of students, to speak Tuesday night at its weekly meeting.
Sales spoke on several issues the WKU student body may be facing such as rising stress levels and how to get involved on campus.
“The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Sales said.
Sales encouraged SGA as students and leaders to spread the word: get informed, help one another, speak up.
“There’s a whole lot of things going on on campus, and it hurts my heart,” Sales said.
Sales addressed mental health on campus, mentioning how students may struggle to find a sense of belonging, fall behind in classes and put on a front to the world.
“Check on your strong friends,” Sales said to the Senate.
No one on campus is alone, no matter how trying the times may feel, Sales said.
Sales marked this year as the “Year of the Parent” as WKU begins to explore a generational shift in parenting due to millennials taking the spotlight. Sales said she receives five to six phone calls a day from concerned parents.
Sales said college is a massive adjustment for many students but reminded students that “the first step to success is that first failure.”
The Senate also addressed the upcoming presidential election, addressing possible political divisions in the student body. Student Body President Sam Kurtz spoke on finding ideas to ease possible tensions.
“We want to think of a way to calm the waters after the election,” Kurtz said. “Think of ways to remind people that no matter how upset you may be, here’s help if you need it.”
Student Body Vice President Donte Reed is pushing for a polling center on campus, given he understands the struggle of commuting back home to vote.
“We also have a student advocacy group, we’ve been working to get a polling center here on campus for this upcoming election,” Reed said. “For myself I have to drive about 3 hours back home to go vote.”
SGA also appointed and unanimously approved Morgan Gammons as the Associate Chief Justice for the 24th Senate.
News Reporter Bradlee Reed-Whalen can be reached at