The WKU Student Government Association provided updates on the upcoming fall elections and passed two resolutions at its weekly meeting on Tuesday to fundraise for Potter Children’s Home in Bowling Green.
Resolution 1-24-F allows for SGA to support four fundraisers throughout the semester to raise $2,000 for Potter Children’s Home holiday expenses.
SGA will hold a series of events and booths to help reach the two thousand dollar goal. Each event will have a QR code directing students to a GoFundMe where they can donate to the cause.
“The whole goal is to mix having students on campus engaging with not only SGA but also organizations outside of SGA and Western Kentucky University,” said Jade Ismail, sophomore senator and author of both resolutions.
One event will be held in September, two in October, and one in December.

Resolution 2-24-F details “Soarin’ in September,” the first fundraiser in the Potter Children’s Home Initiative.
The fundraising event will be held for WKU students at Jump Air Zone from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25. Students will pay a $10 entry fee to participate, which includes the full two hours and socks. All participants will be required to sign a safety and liability waiver.
Ismail said 40% of all proceeds will go towards the Potter Children’s Home Fund.
“I think this is a really phenomenal idea,” Sophia Bryant, Potter College of Arts and Letters senator and student mental health and wellbeing committee chair, said. “I think making this open to all students for a common goal of raising money for a really good program is just an amazing idea.”
Both resolutions passed unanimously.
Caroline Yates was also appointed and sworn into her position on the Graduate Advisory Council at the meeting.
Chief Justice Ellen Henderson gave an update on the fall 2024 election, announcing 20 students running for freshman senator, one for the Gatton Academy senator, one for international senator, and zero for the graduate senator.
Fall 2024 elections will be held on Thursday, Sept. 26, and Friday, Sept. 27 on TopNet.
News Reporter Libby Simpson can be reached at