Today is such a special day for the College Heights Herald. On Jan. 29, 1925 – 100 years ago today – the first edition of the Herald hit newsstands across WKU’s campus, igniting a century of life-changing experiences for students and cementing its place as the best source for WKU campus news.
It is such an honor to be editor-in-chief of the Herald for the 100th anniversary. The Herald has changed my life and changed who I am. It has brought me people I would never have met otherwise and given me experience that, as a political science major, I never dreamed I would have. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to this organization and those who have poured so much into me here since my first semester on the Hill.
It’s because of this – and because of similar experiences from so many currently on the Herald staff – that we wanted to celebrate the Herald’s centennial in a special way.
Today, we launch a project called Herald 100. It is a rather ambitious undertaking, but it is one we hope will celebrate the Herald’s history, educating our readers and our staff about the publication we love so much.
Throughout this semester, we will publish 100 pieces of content on our website celebrating the Herald and its evolution. Among these will be alumni profiles – which include not just award-winning journalists but also attorneys, justices of the Kentucky Supreme Court, WKU presidents, communications professionals and so much more. This project will also feature stories about the Herald’s operations, shining a light on how we do what we do, as well as running archival photos and stories that show what the Herald and WKU have been through in its century on the Hill.
As your primary source for WKU news, you deserve to know how we deliver that to you. We hope the 100 pieces we publish this semester in celebration of our centennial will show readers how widespread the Herald’s impact is and show you what we do and how we do it.
While we complete this project, you can expect nothing else to change about our work. You will still see continued coverage of news, events and sports here on the Hill.
We hope you will join us in celebration of this new era of the Herald –one that reflects on the past 100 years while celebrating the next. Thank you for your continued support, and thank you for reading.
Editor-in-Chief Price Wilborn can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on X @pricewilborn.
This piece is number 1/100 of Herald 100, a project to celebrate a century of the College Heights Herald. To see more from this project, click here.
Do you have a story idea, memory or archival photo you would like to share for Herald 100? Share it with us at [email protected].
If you would like to submit a reaction to this story, a Letter to the Editor or other submission, please send it to [email protected] or to [email protected].