Women in Business find unexpected benefits from COVID-19 challenges

Debra Murray

Editor’s note: Some of the identifying information in this story was incorrect. The story has been updated. The Herald regrets the error.

Women in Business is an organization for female students that focuses on providing professional and personal development in any majors. 

The organization, founded in 2017, engages students in opportunities to develop leadership skills, network, professional development, and community service. 


Zena Pare is a junior studying economics, international business, and corporate and organizational communication from Alvaton.

Pare is currently serving as the president of Women in Business. She said the organization typically has three or four meetings with guest speakers.

“We basically have different opportunities for professional development, networking service and really just building up the skills you need to succeed, and really empower women,” Pare said. “Last fall we had a panel of women who are from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and they came and answered questions and spoke about their experiences as young professionals in business, especially women in business.”

Pare said holding events over Zoom this past year has allowed for speakers who are farther away are able to communicate with students. 

“I think that we’ve actually seen a lot of positives from having virtual events because we’ve been able to bring in speakers who otherwise we wouldn’t have had access to necessarily,” Pare said. “We had the women from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Well, I’m sure that they were very generous with their time but I can’t imagine they would drive six hours to come to talk to some college students for maybe an hour.”

Due to the impact of COVID-19 on small businesses, the organization helped some out by promoting them on social media earlier last year.

“We did have a kind of social media campaign to help promote local women-owned small businesses, particularly during the pandemic because so many small businesses were closing that we wanted to try and do something to promote them and help ensure their continued success,” Pare said. “So we reached out to some local businesses and we’re able to kind of get stories and information about their owners and post those on our social media and then have encouraged people to share those.”

Students that are interested in joining the club can do so before the start of the Fall 2021 semester. You can follow them on instagram at @wib_wku.

Debra Murray can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @debramurrayy