It’s easy to get caught up in the daily news cycle here at home, but oftentimes we miss important events that occur nationally, as well as beyond our borders. These events, no matter how small, play a role in our own lives and in the lives of those in our nation and across the world.
This past week has been no exception. Let’s break down four events over the past week you might have missed.
Cargo ship “Ever Given” freed from Suez Canal
The half a mile long cargo ship “Ever Given” was freed from the Suez Canal on Monday, where it had been blocking a large percentage of world trade since March 23
According to an article done by Time, the ship was freed by a group of tugboats who used the high tides of a full moon to their advantage.
It is currently undetermined how much the week long blockage will end up costing. The Suez Canal facilitates approximately 12% of global trade, with some countries already noticing the effects.
According to the same article, Syria’s oil ministry has already begun rationing their distribution of fuel due to the event.
Due to this event, it is likely that there will be new developments in shipping so that instances such as this will occur much less often.
Tanzanian stampede leaves 45 dead following death of president
Tanzanian President John Magufuli died due to supposed heart disease on March 17.
On March 23, a memorial service was being held in the port city of Dar es Salaam, where a stampede of mourners forced themselves into the stadium through unofficial entry points.
45 mourners died due to the stampedes, but according to an article done by Reuters, some of those 45 mourners died due to a lack of oxygen as a result of overcrowding.
37 more mourners were injured, however the police commander of Dar es Salaam said that they have been treated and discharged as of Tuesday.
AstraZeneca Vaccine still under restrictions in Europe, some loosening
Almost two weeks after we reported on the halting of the AstraZeneca Vaccine in Europe, Germany has decided to continue administering the shot for those over the age of 60, but ban its use on those below that age, according to an article done by BBC.
This restriction follows the small amount of reported blood clotting that the vaccine may have caused in some cases, forcing many countries where the vaccine has previously been approved to take extreme precaution.
In North America, Canada has adopted a similar policy by only allowing those above the age of 55 to get the shot, according to an article done by AP.
As of now, the vaccine has yet to be approved for distribution in the US, and likely won’t be approved until more research on the vaccine has been released.
Myanmar crisis developing, ethnic minority in danger
The Myanese military has begun airstrikes on the Karen people of Myanmar, causing villagers to flee to neighboring Thailand, according to an article done by AP.
This act breaks a cease-fire agreement between the Karen minority and the Myanese military, according to the Karen National Union.
The situation in Myanmar continues to develop in a negative direction, with the US State Department ordering non-essential diplomats to leave Myanmar onn Tuesday, expecting continuation of protests.
Last week’s Global Headlines piece has a more in-depth look at the ongoing crisis in Myanmar.
Shane Stryker can be reached at shane.stryker614@topper.wku.edu. Follow him on Twitter @shanestryker.