This comfy coffee shop plans to take its business on the road

Owners, Joshua, and Sara Bradford created Tin Roof Coffee with comfort in mind, which is how the coffee shop name was decided.

“Drinking coffee is comforting for us and cabins are comforting for us,” Josh said. “What’s more comfortable than a little tin roof?”

The Tin Roof Coffee is currently open at Flea Land, but the owners are waiting to finish a bus that they renovated to sell coffee out of. The owners have been serving coffee every weekend at Flea Land for four months leading up to their bus being finished.


The schedule for where the bus will stop once finished will be shared on their social media throughout the week.

They spent time deciding what they wanted in a coffee shop based on their experiences as customers. Sara had come up with the idea for the coffee shop after being a stay-at-home mother for her children. She also had run several side businesses such as selling jewelry.

“I was sitting at home and I was like ‘Man I wish that somebody would just actually deliver coffee not GrubHub [or] Doordash’, like before this pandemic,” Sara said. “I just kind of really started thinking about it and then we started talking about it and we started getting excited and we just kind of thought of all the things that we like about coffee shops and things we don’t like about coffee shops you know personally threw it all together.”

Josh worked in logistics before being laid off at the start of the pandemic, which is when they decided to focus on starting Tin Roof Coffee.

“I come home from a super long day at work she’s like ‘Let’s open a coffee shop,” Josh said.

Sara also creates all of the flavors available, which include salted caramel mocha, maple almond vanilla, cinnamon roll, and many other customizable flavors.

Sara said that they started Tin Roof Coffee just because they love coffee.

“We’re hoping that doing something that we love will actually kind of keep us active,” Sara said. “You know I don’t want to be like 50 and be like, ‘Oh my knees I can’t walk’ like I want to have something to keep me going.”

Debra Murray can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @debramurrayy