Warren County enters red zone status on Kentucky’s COVID-19 incidence rate report

Leo Bertucci

Warren County has officially been named a red zone county in Kentucky’s COVID-19 incidence rate report.

There are 68 counties in Kentucky that are currently in the red zone. Red zone counties are counties that average 25 or more COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people on a weekly basis. Last week Gov. Beshear announced several COVID-19 mitigation recommendations for Kentukians who live in a red zone county.

  • Employers in red zone counties should allow employees to work from home if possible.
  • In-person shopping should be reduced (online orders are recommended).
  • In-person dining at restaurants and bars should be avoided (online food and drinks orders are recommended).
  • In-person social events should be rescheduled or postponed.
  • Residents should avoid hosting public gatherings.
  • Non-essential activities outside of the home should be avoided.
  • Residents should reduce contact with people who live outside of their home.

Warren County’s status as a red zone county will not affect WKU’s current daily operations, according to Bob Skipper, director of media relations.


“We continue to follow a variety of metrics, as we have from the beginning,” Skipper said in an email. “We are pleased by the numbers we are seeing on campus and encourage our community to continue with the best practices of mask wearing, maintaining physical distancing, performing good hand hygiene, and avoiding large gatherings. Cooperation with contact tracer is also key to halting the spread of the virus”

Northern Kentucky University announced on Friday that due to the red zone status of Campbell County, classes that do not need to meet in person will transition to remote instruction until further notice. NKU’s provost stated in a message to the campus community that the university could return to in-person instruction next week if Campbell County moves out of the red zone.

Leo Bertucci can be reached at [email protected]  Follow him on Twitter @leober2chee.