5 ideas to celebrate graduating while social distancing

Liza Rash

The WKU class of 2020 has undoubtedly had a rough semester. The transition to an entirely online college experience means that seniors did not have many of the bitter-sweet final moments that they have been promised since freshman year. 

Graduation is no exception. Arguably the most important event of the semester, graduation is a chance for seniors to celebrate their accomplishments one last time, together. 

Since there won’t be an official ceremony until this upcoming fall, many seniors will be holding their own ceremonies and celebrations within the confines of social distancing. Here are five ways to do just that.


  1. Hold a zoom party with your fellow graduates. 

At this point, WKU students are fully acquainted with zoom, so this should be a piece of cake. Invite as many as 100 people to virtually celebrate your diplomas and reminisce on the great times you’ve had on the Hill via Zoom. Seeing familiar faces and sharing a laugh will surely help bring some normalcy to these unprecedented times. 

  1. Plan a trip for when social distancing protocols are lifted. 

What better way is there to celebrate your transition to true adulthood than to see the world? Planning a trip could give you a positive outlook on what’s to come after these crazy times. A relaxing trip might be nice right before you start that new job or move to that new place.

  1. Have the quintessential graduate photoshoot. 

Social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t go outside and take some great pictures. If you have a family member or roommate with a nice camera who’s got some photography skills, have them take some photos of you in your cap and gown. Having these pictures will be a great way to look back and remember your accomplishment, even in trying times. You’ll have to make sure to stay six feet away from the photographer, of course.

  1. Update your resume and buy an interview outfit. 

While you’ve got some serious down time, it’s easy to make sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row for your future plans. You can add that last organization, position, internship or job onto your resume while it’s still fresh in your brain. It may even help to surf the web and order that stunning interview attire you need for your real world job hunt. There’s nothing wrong with efficiency and punctuality while you social distance. 

  1. Make a scrapbook of your favorite WKU memories. 

Much like the graduate photoshoot, this could be a fun way to reminisce on your college experience in the future and bring light to a hard time. Gathering old pictures of you and your WKU pals and putting them together in a beautifully crafted scrapbook may just be the closure you need to end your time on the Hill. It can also be a fun way to bond with your roommates, sparking stories and memories of your funniest and craziest moments of college. 

These celebrations aren’t ideal, but they will hopefully bring comfort to seniors in such hard times. Graduation may be postponed, but Hilltopper pride can still prevail. 

Features reporter Liza Rash can be reached at [email protected]. Follow Liza on social media at @l1za_.