Missing spring? Here are 10 ways to enjoy this season while social distancing

Julianna Lowe

It looks like social distancing guidelines will extend at least through the spring, which makes celebrating the season difficult. With social distancing guidelines in place, going to a farmer’s market or visiting a state park is impossible. However, there are still ways to celebrate spring from six feet away. 

1. Plant a garden

One of the best parts of spring is the taste of ripe fruits and vegetables. This spring will be different because social distancing prohibits people from journeying into fields and picking fresh greens or purchasing produce at the farmer’s market. So, if the space allows, learn how to garden. There are a bunch of sites online to buy seeds and get them delivered, and there are tutorials on how to start a garden. Even if you don’t have any lawn space, you can let the sunlight in and grow some produce indoors.  

2. Paint eggs

Easter is a staple holiday for springtime, but social distancing protocol prevents family gatherings and visits from the Easter Bunny. That doesn’t mean that some of the festivities can’t be celebrated indoors. Hard boil a few eggs and paint them with your family members, or even set up a Zoom meeting with your friends and paint with them. Even with Easter being over, this is a great way to connect with others and enjoy some springtime traditions. 


 3. Picnic on your lawn

Springtime brings sunny skies back, and plenty of people have been getting outdoors even while practicing social distancing. While it is encouraged not to convene at public places, you can still bring out a picnic blanket and eat sandwiches or fruit on the lawn in the sun. It’ll almost feel the same.

4. Make homemade lemonade

It’s common to see kids at lemonade stands during the spring and summer, but it’s not as common this year. However, you can still make lemonade for the household to enjoy. Make it even springier and experiment with strawberries and blackberries to spice it up.

5. Play with sidewalk chalk

It’s simple. Chalk comes in those lovable springtime pastels, and it’s a great way to unleash your inner artist. Even if there’s not chalk left over from your childhood, you can purchase chalk online. 

6. Catch butterflies

Catching bugs isn’t for everyone, but it certainly does help give off a springtime feeling. Even though we aren’t socializing, bugs are still growing and flying around this year, so it might be fun to hunt some — be careful not to hurt them. 

7. Try spring cleaning

Typically, the idea of spring cleaning floats around every year, but this is a great chance to dive headfirst into the process. Not only disinfecting, sanitizing and cleaning, but also trying to find clothes and non-perishable foods to donate during this time of need. It could be a really helpful practice.

8. Rewatch last year’s baseball

The season should’ve already started, but games are postponed for now. That doesn’t mean that you can’t still enjoy America’s favorite pastime by rewatching the last year (or any year, for that matter) of baseball. 

9. Make a bouquet

Flowers are beginning to bloom during spring, and they are perhaps the main staple of springtime. Flower shops are not open, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have the ability to be a florist. Pick some wildflowers and arrange them together to make a nice centerpiece.

10. Take a road trip to see campus bloom

One of the saddest parts of social distancing for Hilltoppers is not being able to see the cherry blossoms bloom on campus. But since online classes have begun, you may have more time on your hands, so set aside a nice, sunny day to make the trip up the hill and watch the grass turn green or the flowers bloom.

Features reporter Julianna Lowe can be reached at 270-745-6291 and [email protected]. Follow Julianna on social media at @juliannalowe.