Everyday’s a holiday: Celebrating National Tell a Story Day

Taylor Metcalf

Every April 27, we celebrate “National Tell A Story Day,” a day full of all types of tales. While this holiday is mainly targeted for children, we can all appreciate a good story! What better time to sit down with your quarantine pals and share some fables, anecdotes and narratives? 

Here are some fun ways to celebrate this interesting holiday and make some memories with your friends.

1. Re-read one of your favorite books

There is always that one book that holds a special place in your heart. It could be a novel, a comic or a sports book, but it always feels good to revisit it. Take some time to sit down and appreciate the storytelling.


2. Tell a story to younger siblings

I’ve never met a child that hasn’t enjoyed a good story. If you have younger children in your living space, pick out a story together and read it out loud. Not only will you both enjoy the story, but you can bond on this special holiday.

3. Video call your friends to exchange stories

Every time I’m with my friends, we always bring up an old memory and have one person retell the story. Even though you can’t physically be with your friends, sharing time and old anecdotes together can bring back a sense of normalcy. And it’s just plain fun to laugh with friends while you’re stuck inside.

4. Try your hand at writing your own story

It doesn’t always take 4 years of college to tell a good story — anyone can tell a cool tale. You can type it out, write it in a journal or even make a video of you telling a story that actually happened to you. Storytelling doesn’t have one clear path — make up your own unique characters and have them do anything your mind can cook up. Even if you don’t share it, you’ll have the experience and one cool story.

5. Share your stories with the world

Places like “Wattpad” and “FanFiction” are well-known for their massive library of original stories, but you don’t even have to upload your stories on these sites to celebrate the holiday. Simply using the hashtag #NationalTellAStoryDay on social media and sharing your stories is a great way to contribute. Try taking a break from homework and looking through other stories, as well!

Storytelling has been around for as long as anyone can remember, and it’s our job to keep the tradition going! Tell a story and appreciate the art and history it has to offer. But most importantly, be creative and enjoy the holiday however you can.

Features reporter Taylor Metcalf can be reached at 270-745-6291 and [email protected].