CDC report shows 20% of hospitalized coronavirus patients are young adults

Maggie Thornton

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report Wednesday revealing that up to 20% of hospitalized coronavirus patients are within the young adult age range.

The report analyzed over 2,400 COVID-19 cases in the United States, and it showed young adults between the ages of 20-44 make up 14-20% of patients hospitalized and 2-4% of those in critical condition. About .1% to .2% of patients in the young adult range have died.

The CDC affirmed that coronavirus can lead to severe illness and hospitalization in adults of any age. The report also reaffirmed that adults aged 65 and over are most vulnerable to coronavirus, making up 80% of the reported deaths.


The CDC continues to recommend maintaining social distance and monitoring yourself closely if you show any symptoms.

United States health official Dr. Deborah Birx cautioned younger generations that they are more at risk than previously thought, CNN reported.

Birx said there is an increasing number of reports coming from France and Italy that show  younger people infected with coronavirus are becoming seriously ill. 

“It may have been that the millennial generation … our future generation … there may be disproportional number of infections among that group.” Birx said. “So, even if it’s a rare occurrence, it may be seen more frequently in that group and be more evident now.”

President Donald Trump agreed with Birx and further cautioned young people to listen to advice from White House officials and follow CDC recommendations.

“We don’t want them gathering, and I see that they do gather, including on beaches,” Trump said. “They’re feeling invincible … But they don’t realize that they could be carrying lots of bad things home … So, we want them to heed the advice.”

Features reporter Maggie Thornton can be reached at 270-745-6291 and [email protected]. Follow Maggie on social media at @Maggie_Thornton.