Alumnus takes editorship of local magazine

Katelyn Latture

Wearing a WKU polo and a Boyce General Store hat, Brad Golliher sat in a booth at Corner Bakery on a Wednesday morning eating a late breakfast with the older of his two sons, Brady.

Upon seeing Golliher, you might recognize him but not know why. He’s married to the “Pie Queen,” Brie Golliher, who operates the dessert shop The Pie Queen and with whom he co-owns Boyce General Store. That’s how he received the nickname of “Pie King.”

Golliher, though not the face of Boyce quite like his wife is, created the logos and branding for their store and The Pie Queen. He said he tried to stay in the background for a long time, which is partly why he was called the “Pie King” and not simply Brad. However, as Brady said, “You can’t stay in the background when you know everyone in town.”


Perhaps that, paired with his newest job, is why he’s recently been recognized as himself rather than just in association with pie. In December 2018, Golliher became the new editor of Bowling Green Living magazine following the previous editor’s resignation.

“The last thing I wanted was for this great publication to go away,” Golliher said. “If I don’t save it, who will?”

Golliher and Brie are WKU alumni. Golliher earned his undergraduate in advertising, and Brie earned hers in photojournalism. Golliher worked in advertising and marketing at Fruit of the Loom for five years after graduating until he and Brie bought Boyce in 2012. He worked on branding Boyce and The Pie Queen, and he also did, and still does, freelance graphic design work while helping homeschool their sons.

“I definitely feel like it is his strength,” Brie said of Golliher working for the magazine. “[He is] finally finding the thing he fits best in,” she continued as she snacked on a blueberry muffin and fresh coffee.

Tanner Publishing Co., which owns and publishes Bowling Green Living, came to Golliher. He ended up being the only person the publishing company sat down and talked to about the open position.

“We knew they were big fans of the magazine,” Taylor West, the publisher at Tanner Publishing Co., said of Golliher and Brie. He said they “turned out to be the perfect fit.”

Golliher and Brie had previously partnered with the magazine, and Brie has been featured in multiple issues. Golliher and Brie also worked with the publisher to make a custom pie for a 2018 magazine cover.

“I was like, ‘Heck yeah! Sign us up,’” Golliher said of when West offered the position to him and his wife. “They wanted both of us. They wanted Boyce.”

As Golliher put it, Brie “took a backseat” to the magazine, as she has plenty on her plate as the main operator of Boyce and The Pie Queen. Although, she still helps out by taking photographs, selling advertisements and delivering magazines.

Golliher said he’s usually the only one doing magazine work on a daily basis, but the rest of the Bowling Green Living team is comprised of freelance writers and a freelance photographer. He gets to focus on the magazine’s content, which includes selling and making all of the advertisements.

“I’ve done all the ad sales,” Golliher said as his eyes widened at the realization.

“I’ve sold quite a few,” Brie said with a smirk and a hearty laugh.

Golliher’s involvement in the Bowling Green community was partly why he was considered for the position as editor and why he decided to take it.

“We like to have local people running the magazines,” said West, whose publishing company, which is based out of Owensboro, also manages magazines in Owensboro and Henderson. “[Golliher and Brad] seem to know everybody.”


As West and Golliher both said, it’s easier and usually leads to more success when a local is able to run a local publication. They already know the people in the community, and, as Golliher emphasized, have relationships formed with other people and business owners in the area.

“As local business owners, it’s so important for us to support other local businesses,” Golliher said.

Golliher said he didn’t originally plan or want to stay in Bowling Green after graduating from WKU, but he has planted roots in and loves the community.

Golliher said he has a lot of hopes and dreams for the future of the magazine. He hopes the magazine will one day be of the same repute as Southern Living, Garden & Gun or Good Grit.

“I’m excited for the future of the magazine with him leading it,” West said. “He genuinely cares about you, and I think that’s why he’s a good fit for the magazine.” Golliher and Brie talked about creating a cohesive look for the publication, which they credit to Golliher’s marketing and advertising background. The next issue of Bowling Green Living is titled “Local Love” and will focus on the businesses and locals that make the city what it is.

“We want everybody to be as excited about it as we are,” Brie said.

Features reporter Katelyn Latture can be reached at 270-745-6291 and [email protected].