Ogden College Dean Cheryl Stevens will be acting provost

Jeremy Chisenhall

Cheryl Stevens, the dean of Ogden College of Science and Engineering, has been named the acting provost of WKU, according to an email from President Timothy Caboni. She will begin her new role immediately. 

This came shortly after the announcement that Provost Terry Ballman was stepping down from her positionGreg Arbuckle, the associate dean of Ogden College, will serve as the interim dean in Stevens’ absence. Stevens has been the dean of Ogden College since 2012, and was the longest-serving active dean at WKU. 

“During the past ten days, I have heard from, and visited with, faculty, staff, students and administrative leadership in Potter College and across the University,” Caboni said in the email. “I have had similar conversations with alumni, friends and supporters from outside our campus as well. Each of them had the best interest of WKU at heart, even if their opinions, advice and counsel differed.”


Digital Managing Editor Jeremy Chisenhall can be reached at 270-745-6291 and [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter at @JSChisenhall.