Tips for Renting

Cherry Creative



Always check the place out before you sign a lease or move in. Make sure that it is in good shape, safe and livable. Use the following list:

What should I check for?

It is important for your health and safety to check for the following problems:

  • Run water and see if it drains quickly and the faucets are not leaking.
  • See that the toilet flushes properly.
  • Make sure there are no exposed electrical wires or missing outlet covers.
  • Walk around to find out if the floor is sturdy or if it “gives” in places.
  • Check the floors, walls and ceiling for any holes.
  • See that the windows and doors are sealed properly and the locks work.
  • Make sure smoke detectors are in place and working. Call your local fire department. It might be required by law to have a smoke detector in each bedroom and in the bedroom hallway.
  • If there are heat and carbon monoxide detectors, make sure they are in place and working. Although not required by law, you should request they be installed.
  • Look for water stains and other signs of leaks.
  • All residential properties are required by law to have a working heating system. Make sure it works properly.
  • If the place comes with an air conditioner, refrigerator or stove, make sure they work.
  • Look over the grounds and other common areas such as halls or laundry rooms to make sure they’re clean and safe.

This is adapted from The Barren River Area Renters’ Handbook Project