ORAC teaches students about winter clothes

Ebony Cox

The Outdoor Recreation Adventure Center hosted “Winter Layering” on the second floor of the Preston Center Monday to teach students how to dress appropriately for winter situations on campus and in the backcountry.  

Zena Gavin, 22, of northern Kentucky, and James Skaggs, 20, of Mount Washington, led ORAC’s event.

“We try to make it to where it is applicable to all people who layer every day for campus life,” Gavin said. “Just because it is used in the backcountry does not mean it cannot be used at home. This was something we tried to stress.”


Participants used the acronym “W.I.S.E.” to learn the different types of materials to layer with.

Wicking, the “W,” refers to synthetic clothing that does not allow sweat to stick and create an uncomfortable feeling. Insulation, or “I,” deals with wool, which is used to keep the heat in allowing for warmth. Shell, the “S,” means material that blocks outside layers, and the use of extra layers, or “E,” depends on how hot or cold an individual gets.  

Six students showed up to the event.

“I was surprised that so many people came; we weren’t expecting as many,” Gavin said. “Our clinics are not as popular as our adventure trips, but it is great to see more people coming into these.”

Haley Ramsey, 23, of Lexington, was presently surprised by the event.

“I thought I knew more about layering than I did because I just wear whatever I have in whatever order,” Ramsey said. “I had no clue of the different fabrics to put on top of other fabrics to learn how to really layer.”  

News reporter Ebony Cox can be reached at 270-745-6011 and [email protected].