To err is human: How to stick to nutrition resolutions

Shawna Aud

How many of you said “This year I’m going to start eating healthier and actually stick with it this time” when contemplating your New Year’s resolution? I’m here to help you with the “stick with it” part. Making your New Year’s resolution into a lifetime resolution is the ultimate goal here.

Are you needing some motivation to continue with your healthy eating goals from the New Year? In all honesty, me too. As a nutrition major, people expect me to wake up every day craving kale and carrots for breakfast. I can’t stress enough how far that is from the truth. We are all human, we all have cravings and we all lose motivation every now and then.

Throughout my experience of living a mostly healthy lifestyle, I have come across several ways to make healthy eating an easy, maintainable task of my daily routine instead of the dreaded chore that it may seem to be for some people.

First of all, don’t be afraid to try new things. Start by picking a new fruit or vegetable (or both) to try each week. This will add variety to the nutrients you are consuming, as well as keep you from getting burnt out on the same foods. After you’ve found a few new favorites in the produce section, use them to find and make new, healthy recipes. You’ll be amazed at just how good vegetables can taste.

Secondly, I’m sure you’ve heard of meal prepping, but what about snack prepping? Healthy snack prepping is critical to your healthy eating goals. Throw some almonds and blueberries in a container and head out the door. Celery and peanut butter might be your healthy “between classes” treat. Have it ready the night before a busy day so getting hungry between meals isn’t an option for you.

Rushing between classes, work, the gym and studying can make it hard to have time for perfectly prepared, balanced meals. In times like these, snack prepping will have you covered with healthy snacks to keep you from getting hungry between meals and resorting to fast food or unhealthy convenience store items.

Last and most importantly, is to consume a nutritional diet that you enjoy. If you hate cherries, don’t eat them. Don’t buy fish and brussels sprouts if you despise their taste just because they are deemed nutritious. Forcing yourself to eat foods that you don’t enjoy will only discourage the habits you’ve worked so hard to instill. The grocery store is stocked full of healthy fruit and vegetable choices for you to explore. This tip leaves us with no room for excuses.

Remember, healthy eating is a lifestyle change, not just a New Year’s resolution. It is not something that is meant to be learned overnight, so don’t expect it to be. You’ve already made it two months into your journey. I hope these tips will motivate you to continue on with the rest of it.