OPINION: Twitter Time: Do you support the Fairness Ordinance?
October 25, 2017
Supporters of the Fairness Ordinance came out in droves for Bowling Green’s first ever Pride Fest this past Saturday. A Fairness Ordinance is a piece of legislation that would grant members of the LGBTQ certain legal protections in areas where they are likely to be discriminated against such as housing, employment and other forms of public accommodation. For example, if your boss found out that you were gay and was not okay with that, they could legally fire you based on your sexual orientation.
Supporters of the Fairness Ordinance have argued that all humans should be treated with dignity and respect. Opponents of this legislation argue business owners should not be forced, by law, to go against their morals while trying to make a living. You can read more about the Herald Editorial Board’s stance on the Fairness Ordinance in this past Tuesday’s issue of the College Heights Herald. But we wanted to hear your thoughts on this subject that continues to affect the Bowling Green community.
In a recent Twitter poll, we asked: Do you support the Fairness Ordinance which provides legal protections to members of the LGBTQ community?
{{tncms-inline account=”WKU Herald” html=”<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Do you support the Fairness Ordinance which provides legal protections to members of the LGBTQ community?</p>&mdash; WKU Herald (@wkuherald) <a href="https://twitter.com/wkuherald/status/922590550984978433?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 23, 2017</a></blockquote>” id=”https://twitter.com/wkuherald/status/922590550984978433″ type=”twitter”}}