Students weigh in on staying healthy in college

Emma Austin | HERALD

Photos by Chris Kohley

“I go to the gym like three times a week, but it just depends on your schedule, really. You can make time if you’re willing to because if you just sit and study all the time, you’re going to gain a bunch of weight.” Taylor Gossage, Russell County

“Do not take the bus, walk up the Hill. Cut out cokes. That’s what I did, and so far it’s going great.” Krystin Hardin, Butler County sophomore

“Long distance running is actually bad on your joints, and it breaks down muscles, so the best thing to do is high-intensity interval training, which basically, you just get on a treadmill for 10 minutes and you sprint for 30 seconds, then you walk for 30 seconds, and you just repeat that process for 10 minutes a day. It actually has been shown in studies to build up your leg muscle and make you lose more calories in a smaller amount of time.” Michael Steitz, Louisville sophomore

“[It’s difficult] balancing studies, staying active and not having to rush. Unhealthy food is more convenient.” Evan Hendrickson, Mount Vernon Gatton Academy junior

“The food isn’t healthy. It’s quicker and easier to use a meal swipe instead of making your own food. Fresh has healthy options, but who likes salad?” To stay healthy, she said she prefers water and healthy snacks. Kaytlin Morgan, Ohio County freshman

“Even if you do it for just 30 minutes—it doesn’t matter however much time you have during the day that you can set aside to work out, it works.” Kenneth Shobe, Louisville sophomore

“I just go to Fresh every meal. [I eat at] the salad bar, you can get Mongolian, the Mongolian grill has chicken every day pretty much . . . wrap station, you can pretty much eat carb-free, you can eat vegan there every day.” Mitchell Manuel, Louisville sophomore