LETTER FROM THE EDITOR: Hey, how are ya?

Andrew Henderson

To everyone new and returning to the Hill, hello!

First, welcome to WKU, glad you could make your way here. Whether you’re from Kentucky, California, Pakistan or anywhere else in-between, welcome.

We’re the College Heights Herald­­, WKU’s independent, student-run newspaper. We’ve been around the block for nearly 100 years reporting on news, sports, life, offering different perspectives and giving a glimpse into the mysteries and beauty of this campus and community.


My name is Andrew Henderson, the Herald’s editor-in-chief for the fall semester. I first walked into the newsroom of the Herald the first semester of my freshman year. Odds are I have logged more hours in the Herald newsroom than I have most classes, and that includes some sleeping hours and restless nights.

The Herald has been a defining part of my college experience, it’d be nearly impossible for me to picture what my life would have looked like had I not started working at the Herald. Actually, I’d have more free time and be less likely to have a heart attack before 30, so in some ways it’s not all that difficult.

Now, back to the business spiel of things. You can catch the Herald on newsstands twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday, at various locations around campus and in Bowling Green for our print edition (no, print is not entirely dead) and online 24/7 at wkuherald.com (the Internet is evidently a booming industry).

You can also follow along with us on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram @wkuherald.

If we ever have a budget supporting of virtual reality technology maybe one day you can gain an immersive experience of what it’s like to work in the newspaper industry. Spoiler alert, it’s stressful and often involves smoking out behind Student Publications (please don’t take away our designated smoking area).

If you’re looking for a place to hone your skills in writing, editing, marketing, designing or looking for a place to gain some of those skills and more, the Herald is a perfect fit for you. We even have popcorn on Wednesday if that sweetens the deal.

Apply at wkuheraldprojects.com/herald-editorial-application.

Whether it’s your first year or your last year I hope you find something as important to you as the Herald has been to me.

The time you spend here will be like breathing hot air on cold glass. There long enough for you to draw smiley face, but not long enough to fully appreciate its value. Spend it wisely.