University senate elects officers
April 17, 2017
The university senate elected officers for the 2017-2018 year and heard reports from several committees at the April meeting.
Eric Kondratieff, associate professor in the department of history, was nominated and approved to serve as university senate chair next year.
Before accepting the position, Kondratieff asked if he would still remain chair of university senate committees that he currently serves on. Kate Hudepohl, current university senate chair, said it would not take him off the benefits committee.
Several nominees, including Kondratieff, expressed concern about the time commitment serving as chair would require.
“I have a full life,” Kondratieff said, laughing, before accepting the position.
Liz Sturgeon, associate professor in the school of nursing, was nominated and approved to serve as university senate vice chair.
Current university senate vice chair, Julie Shadoan, clarified the role of the vice chair before nominations began. Shadoan said the vice chair runs and coordinates elections across the university.
“Anything that requires elected positions, you’re in charge of that,” Shadoan said.
Shadoan noted the next vice chair would coordinate the upcoming regent elections.
Jennifer Hanley, pedagogical associate professor in the department of history, was nominated and approved to serve as secretary.
Hanley was the only nomination for the position and accepted.
All three positions were approved unanimously by the 2017-2018 university senate.
Additionally, the university senate heard reports from several committees for approval.
University senator Patti Minter, associate professor of history and faculty welfare and professional responsibilities committee chair, gave a report that included revisions to a syllabi policy. Policy 1.4062, which had been discussed at previous university senate meetings, was approved by the senate.
The revisions changed the wording of one point in the document, and provided a link to the syllabus website within the document.
According to the policy, “a printed or printable syllabus containing more detailed information must be made available to students” within one week of the start of class. The policy now states that “information regarding federal mandates that require faculty or student action (e.g. the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title IX/Clery Act)” must be included in the syllabus, according to the policy posted online.
According to provost David Lee and Hudepohl, the policy will now go to the administrative counsel for approval this week.
Reporter Monica Kast can be reached at 270-745-0655 or [email protected].