Polling location worker shares thoughts on today’s election

Bryson Keltner

Dede Stanley is a Bowling Green native working at the Warren County Board of Education polling location, where she’s worked with elections for 10 years.

“I enjoy the people,” Stanley said with a smile. “I like talking to them as they vote. Plus, somebody’s got to do it. So, here we are.”

Stanley knows Bowling Green elections well and she’s seen her share of memorable polls. She has lived in the area for over 60 years and she’s worked in polling places for 15 years.


She commented on a trend that she has seen while working at today’s polls.

“There have been a lot of people who have not registered to vote come out and try to vote today,” Stanley said. “It’s always sad when they can’t vote.”

“The importance of voting is having your voice heard,” Stanley said. “You can’t complain about anything in government if you don’t vote.”

As far as today’s election results, she had only one request.

“I just hope people keep God in it.”

Reporter Bryson Keltner can be reached at 270-745-6011 and [email protected].


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