Fire breaks out in Cravens Library

The Fire Department was called to Raymond Cravens Library where a small mechanical fire occurred in Bowling Green, Kentucky on February 16, 2016. Ebony Cox/HERALD

Emma Collins

Earlier Tuesday morning, a fire broke out in the mechanical room of Cravens Graduate Center and Library.

Chief Facilities Officer Bryan Russell said the fire began in the downstairs floor of the library when WKU employees were using a grinding machine. As the machine was grinding off steal bolts, some of the sparks ignited nearby paper-backed insulation. 

The fire was quickly extinguished and no one was injured; however, it did set off the fire alarm which resulted in an evacuation of the building and the arrival of the fire department. 

According to Russell the building received “no significant damage other than we’ll probably replace some insulation.”

Cravens library hours have not been affected, and the library is open for use.