Nina Totenberg to shed light on SCOTUS decisions

Katherine Sproles

After a performance by Sam Bush last weekend, the Cultural Enhancement Series is continuing its list of events with Nina Totenberg’s presentation on Monday evening.

Totenberg is a National Public Radio award-winning legal correspondent and has been honored by the American Bar Association for “continued excellence in legal reporting,” according to her official biography. 

Totenberg’s talk “The Supreme Court and Its Impact on You” will be held on Monday, Sept. 21, at 7:30 p.m. in Van Meter Hall auditorium. She will reflect on recent Supreme Court decisions as well as the ramifications of those rulings, said Larry Snyder, chairman of the WKU Cultural Enhancement Series. 


Snyder believes WKU is very fortunate to have Totenberg as a speaker. 

“Besides her being a very noteworthy journalist, she is also a woman, and it’s very important for folks to recognize contributions of female journalists,” he said.

Recent activity by the Supreme Court made Totenberg an interesting speaker choice, said Leslie Weigel, Cultural Enhancement committee member. 

“The Supreme Court had agreed to consider several very important cases in their most recent docket,” she said. “While we didn’t know then the outcomes of those cases, we knew the backstory as presented by Ms. Totenberg would be fascinating and educational.”

Snyder believes Totenberg is a great speaker for students because she can communicate with them in a nontechnical way. 

“If you’ve ever heard her on the radio, she is not only knowledgeable, but she communicates very well,” he said. “She speaks to an intelligent audience, but she talks about very complicated issues and has a very unique ability to simplify them in a way that non-experts can understand.”

Legal history professor Patricia Minter is hoping to hear about Totenberg’s career as well as how she makes law accessible to her audience. 

“I have been a long admirer,” she said. “She takes complex issues that are before the Supreme Court and breaks them down for people who have no knowledge of the law.”

Admission is free for the event. Seats are first come, first serve.