‘Shave it Off”: St. Baldricks a chance to fight childhood cancer

Samantha Wright

Students clustered at Nick Denes Field on Saturday afternoon, following a WKU baseball game against the Southern Miss University Golden Eagles to shave their heads for a common cause.

The St. Baldrick’s fundraiser provided a way for students to raise money for a cure for childhood cancer, while showing support for those diagnosed with the disease. Many children lose their hair while fighting cancer due to chemotherapy, and the fundraising event allowed people to shave their hair in solidarity. 

The event, in its sixth year on campus and organized by Omega Phi Alpha sorority, raised $4,500 with future donations still pending. 

A group of about 50 people gathered around the deck off the third baseline to either watch or participate in the head-shaving spectacle. Men were the first called to get rid of their hair. The crowd cheered as the first locks of hair fell to the ground.

Nathan Wilson, a sophomore from Princeton, sported an “ask me why I’m bald” pin. Wilson said he took part because fighting childhood cancer is a passion of his since he lost a childhood friend to cancer. He also took part in Up ‘til Dawn, a fundraiser for St. Jude’s, because of his interest.

“Any chance to help St. Jude’s and fight childhood cancer, I’ll take it,” he said.

After the men had been shaved, women were next in line. Most of the women opted to have their hair shortened, as opposed to completely shaved off. Several girls looked shocked as scissors and razors trimmed several locks of hair.

Gabbi Hagan, the event organizer, took part in the event for a third time, getting her head completely shaved. Hagan said she liked doing this event because of what it stands for.

“It’s a really neat thing to see everyone come together for it, to fight childhood cancer,” she said.          

Courtney Martin, a freshman from Murray, said that while she’s not used to her hair being shorter, she’s glad she took part.

“I keep grabbing for it, and it’s not there,” she said. “I always wanted to do this, and this was the perfect opportunity to do it with my sisters.”