Budget cuts affect SGA, Campus Activities Board

Taylor Harrison

The university budget cuts announced on Wednesday are affecting various departments and programs on campus, and the Student Government Association, Campus Activities Board and leadership programs are no exception.

These three groups usually get an automatic budget increase, due to the Higher Education Price Index (HEPI), an inflation index that calculates potential financial waste at colleges.


Charley Pride, director of Student Activities and SGA’s adviser, said now the programs won’t be getting those increases. This will save the university $8,000.“We didn’t get money taken away, so that’s better than losing money,” Pride said.

SGA President Keyana Boka said this will impact what SGA prioritizes and how they’ll spend their money.

“I think it could potentially impact some of the new programs that we wanted to implement, but that will just depend on how much the programs will cost,” she said.

Boka said she, along with Nicki Seay, administrative vice president, and Mark Reeves, executive vice president, all have to be present when budgeting their money, but it’s Seay’s job to manage it.

As far as not getting their increase, Reeves said he was just glad it wasn’t worse.

“Some of the other cuts that were brought up, I’m a little more concerned about,” he said. “But in terms of SGA, I was pleased that it wasn’t more than it was.”

One of the items he was concerned about was a research related cut. The budget for Research and Creative Activity Programs grants will be reduced, saving the university $50,000.


He said research seems to get cut at a pretty strong rate, rather than cutting something like athletics.

“There’s a token athletic cut; it’s really not a big cut if you look at the numbers,” he said.

Boka, Reeves and Seay all said they didn’t have any communication with the administration about the budget cuts beforehand.

“I had no contact from the administration about it,” she said.

Despite this, Reeves said it was something he was able to anticipate.

Pride also said he had no communication regarding the cuts beforehand.

“I’d had an inkling of it,” he said.

Seay said she hasn’t looked at how the loss of the scheduled increase will specifically impact the budget, but she thinks they’ll be able to make it work.


“It’s definitely something that we’re going to be able to deal with,” she said.

While Pride said they didn’t necessarily know this was coming, these types of programs are what could be hit during budget cuts.

“That’s always on the table,” he said.