Greek organizations battle it out in game show competition

Jackson French

Greek students gathered together for Greek Feud, a WKU-themed, Jeopardy!-style trivia contest, as part of Greek Week.

Louisville senior and Kappa Sigma fraternity member Michael Bush and Lebanon senior Madison Beach, a member of Phi Mu sorority, organized and hosted the event in the Downing University Center Auditorium on Tuesday night.


Greek Feud was divided into a fraternity competition, which Beach hosted, and a sorority competition, in which Bush asked the questions.

Instead of a Daily Double, each round had a hidden physical challenge, in which the participant who chose it had to successfully accomplish a physical feat within a 60-second time limit.

The challenges included such feats as blowing up a balloon and releasing the air from it in order to knock over ten upside-down plastic cups and pulling all the tissues out of a tissue box with just one hand.

Louisville junior Michael Jacobsen, who represented Delta Tau Delta fraternity in round two, said competing was tense but enjoyable.

“I didn’t think it was going to be that bad, but once the lights got on, there was a little bit of stress,” he said. “But I think it was more exhilarating than anything.”

Jacobsen said he was his fraternity’s alternate, replacing their original representative, Louisville junior Grant Snowden.

“I knew that I was going to be an alternate for the last three weeks, but I just found out two days ago that Grant had to work so I didn’t get as long as I would have liked to study for it,” Jacobsen said. “I pretty much just crammed.”


Beach said she and Bush chose the questions from a packet filled with information concerning WKU’s Greek organizations that was given out to the participants.

“We had each organization fill out those specific questions and then we compiled the packet and we put two to three questions about each organization in the game,” Beach said.

Bush said they compiled a list of the information for each chapter, such as the founding date, where they were founded, their headquarters, colors and other similar things.

“It was a large list of information,” Bush said. “We compiled that list, asked their members to double-check it before we made the game and made the game.”

Beach said the game is about unity.

“It promotes Greek unity because the contestants are given a packet to study on all of the Greek organizations, information such as founding, colors, flowers — all their characteristics,” she said.

Bush said the historically black National Pan-Hellenic Council organizations and Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity were the only Greek organizations at WKU that did not participate.

“They’re just not participating in this week, along with Pi Kappa Alpha,” Bush said. “They just chose not to.”


After two preliminary rounds, the sorority division had its final round, which saw Kappa Delta sorority, Phi Mu sorority, Sigma Kappa sorority and Alpha Omicron Pi sorority competing for first place.

The final round in the fraternity division took place after three preliminary rounds, and was between Farmhouse fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, Sigma Nu fraternity and Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity.

Bush said every organization that participated in Greek Feud will get two points in the overall Greek Week competition.

The winning sorority and fraternity, he said, will each gain three additional points, while the second place winners will get two and the third placers will get one.

He said the winners of the event will not be revealed until Convocation on Sunday, the event that brings Greek Week to a close.