Can You Duet? brings out a wide variety of performances

Paul Watson

WKU’s Greek organizations came together in the Downing University Center auditorium tonight for the fourth annual “Can You Duet?” talent showcase.

The show, sponsored by Sigma Kappa, consisted of an hour of duets performed by students, with all proceeds going to charity.


Louisville freshman Hannah Dickerson said she came out to support her Alpha Xi Delta sisters.

Among the organizations competing in the showcase were Alpha Gamma Rho, Chi Omega, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Mu and Alpha Xi Delta. A wide range of styles were shown by the Greek talent that performed.

The artists covered included The Civil Wars, Taylor Swift, Train and Journey. Other highlights included a rendition of Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake’s “Mother Lover” and the grand finale, Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake’s “History of Rap.”

Two performers, Bowling Green freshman Haley Doose and Louisville sophomore Christen Profancik visibly enjoyed their time onstage.

“We forgot the words,” Doose and Profancik said almost simultaneously. Doose and Profancik performed for Alpha Omicron Pi.

“We just picked up and went on through and it went fine,” Doose said with a smile.

Louisville sophomore Ashley Presnell, Sigma Kappa’s vice president of Philanthropic Services, said all the proceeds from ticket sales and the entry fees for the various Greek organizations went to Alzheimer’s and gerontology research, the Inherit the Earth foundation and the Maine Sea Coast Mission.


For the fourth year in a row, Sigma Kappa has put this event on, and not without painstaking work.

“I put in at least ten to 20 hours a week leading up to this,” Presnell said.

Presnell was satisfied with how many people showed up to the event.

“I’m very happy with the turnout,” she said. “This keeps getting bigger every year.”

Check Friday’s edition of the Herald for more on this story.