New mobile version of WKU website launched Monday

Taylor Harrison

WKU’s website now has a version that is specifically geared toward making it easier to view the site on a phone.

The new mobile version of WKU’s website was launched Monday.


Corie Martin, creative web services manager for WKU’s Division of Public Affairs, said the new mobile site will create a more user-friendly way for people to visit the website through their smartphones.

“We haven’t taken the entire site mobile, but we have used data on our existing website to let us know what people are accessing most frequently, so that we can enable just an easier way for people to get to those pages,” Martin said.

Martin said it can be frustrating when navigating the normal website on a phone because of constantly having to scroll down and zoom in.

There will likely be more changes in the mobile site in the future. Martin said websites are never really finished.

“The beauty of a website is that we can constantly change it and that we can make changes based on the demands of our users…” she said.

Martin said it’s important to acknowledge the needs of the people who will be using the site.

“We certainly listen to students and we listen to parents and prospective students and when they ask us for certain things, we do our best to accommodate their needs,” she said.


Martin also said they access data to determine what is most popular on the website and make sure to include that in the mobile version of the site.

Plans for the mobile version have been in the works for awhile now.

“We’ve been planning this since we launched our new website about two years ago,” Martin said. “We knew that a mobile version would be coming, it’s just it takes time to flesh out websites and decide what links are going to go where and to analyze the data to decide which pages will take precedence over others.”