Added twist at Greek games promotes unity during competition

Kayla Swanson

An army of painted faces, matching shirts and waving flags invaded McCormack Hall Lawn Thursday afternoon.

As a part of Greek Week, Greek organizations participated in Events Day, which consists of four games including a penny toss, an egg toss, a water relay and a five-part relay race.


Throughout each event, Greek organizations shouted cheers and chants for their teams to show support for their groups.

The first game was the penny toss.

Four Greek organizations competed at one time, with each team having four members.

The teams had to throw pennies one at a time into their individual buckets, trying to get as many as possible in their buckets within two minutes.

Each fraternity and sorority was asked to bring $10 in pennies for this event.

The money collected from the event will be donated to Potter Children’s Home, said Louisville senior DJ Bettinger, events day co-chair.

The penny toss was followed by the egg toss, which challenged two members of each team to toss an egg back and forth as the distance between the two increased until the egg broke.


“I was very nervous,” said Owensboro senior Will Blanford, one of the two members of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity’s egg toss team.

Greek Affairs coordinator Alissa Mansfield’s favorite event to watch was the egg toss.

“I’m anticipating when the egg is going to break,” she said.  “It usually goes on forever.”

The water relay came next, with three sororities and four fraternities competing at a time.

Each participant of the four member teams had to run to a bucket and fill a sponge with water, then squeeze that water out into their team’s bucket.

Mount Washington sophomore Dave Pusey, a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity’s water relay team, said the hardest part of the relay was trying not to slip.

“There was water all over the place,” he said. “It made it slick.”

The intensity built until the final game, which was a five-part relay race that included a tire run, ropes crawl, a sack race, dizzy bat and a 40-yard dash.


The relay was also had an added surprise because each 10-member team was comprised of members from two or three fraternities or sororities, instead of having all 10 members from the same Greek organization.

Teams were created this way to promote Greek unity, Bettinger said.

“This is one of the more cut-throat events,” he said.

Fraternities and sororities were not made aware of the mystery until prior to the relay.

“It was really unexpected because we had practiced with all ten girls,” said Louisville sophomore Hannah DeSpain, an overall coach for Phi Mu sorority’s Event Day teams and a member of the relay team.

The sororities and fraternities who finished in the top three for Events Day will be revealed at Convocation, with each group receiving points for their overall Greek Week point totals.

The next event for Greek Week is tug, which is Friday at 2 p.m. at the University Farm.