UPDATED: Issues with TopNet affect registration

Michael McKay

Two weeks after the TopNet system went down, the system experienced another problem Wednesday morning.

Wednesday was the first day for fall registration, opening up for students who have priority registration.

Some of the 6,000 priority registration students were unable to access the site when registration opened at 5 a.m.


Paducah junior Anna Vied was one of many people woke up a little before 5 a.m. to register.

When TopNet wouldn’t load, she took her frustration to Facebook, where she saw others complaining about the system.

“Facebook had exploded with TopNet hate,” Vied said.

On Twitter, students used hashtags like #notsleeping and #seriously to voice their frustration.

Vied said she decided to try to open TopNet one more time before giving up, around 5:30 a.m.

“I was about to give up, but then I refreshed it, and it went up,” Vied said.

Gordon Johnson, director of Administrative Systems and Applications for Information Technology, said the problem doesn’t seem to have been widespread.

“It didn’t last for more than 30 minutes,” Johnson said.

Johnson said he was alerted to the problem at 6 a.m. He said there were three calls and one email to Helpdesk about the problem.

The Honors College also didn’t receive any complaints from students about TopNet.

Because so few people alerted IT about the issue with TopNet, Johnson said IT staff monitored the system from 4:55 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Thursday to see if any other issues appeared.

Johnson said no problems were experienced on Thursday and that IT is still investigating the problem from Wednesday morning.