Sigma Chi Fight Night in the process of being rescheduled

Michael McKay

Sigma Chi’s eighth Fight Night philanthropy event that was set for Thursday and Friday night has been cancelled and is in the process of being rescheduled.

Maxwell Noonan, Sigma Chi Derby Daddy, said the event is now set to happen on May 3 and 4, according to the event’s Twitter, @EXFightNight12. Fans of Fight Night used Twitter to voice their feelings about the rescheduling, using hashtags “#SaveFightNight” and “#FreeFightNight2K12.”


Noonan said before the Sigma Chi Derby Darlings pageant that he is still dedicated to having the event and told the attendants to plan their schedules for the new dates.

“I promise we will fight real hard to get this to happen,” Noonan said.

Noonan said refunds for tickets are not an issue because they were able to figure out in time to not sell any tickets early to the event, but they sold $4,000 worth of T-shirts.

“We raise a lot of money for Huntsman Cancer (Institute) research,” he said.

Noonan said Fight Night is always a huge philanthropy.

“We want to donate the money to Huntsman, so we need the event to happen,” he said.