Invisible Children club to hold a candle light vigil

Tyler Prochazka

The WKU chapter of Invisible Children will be holding a candle light vigil Tuesday from 5 to 7 p.m. at Centennial Mall. The vigil will be in remembrance of a December 2008 week-long massacre that killed hundreds of people at the hands of the Lords Resistance Army in Africa.

Invisible Children is an organization that aims to bring awareness and aid to the crisis in Uganda and surrounding areas due to the ongoing threat the LRA poses to these countries.


The vigil is primarily to further the goal of raising awareness of this threat and to remember the lives lost that day, according to WKU chapter President Rebecca Morgan.

“Events like this really just ground you and make you focus, not on the money, but to humanize the issue,” she said.

The vigil will have candles that will be initially unlit. Morgan said she hopes passersby will have lit them all by the end of the night. Each of the 62 candles will represent 10 lives lost, Morgan said.

Recently, President Barack Obama deployed 100 soldiers to Uganda in an attempt to contain the LRA. Morgan supports the move and said Invisible Children played a significant part in causing this to occur.

“The fact is that it’s been two decades and something is finally being done,” she said.

The WKU chapter of Invisible Children will also be holding other fundraisers and awareness drives next semester. The book donation boxes, whose proceeds will go to Invisible Children, will be set up until Feb. 6, Morgan said.

Invisible Children will also host another documentary screening next semester.


For Morgan, this time of year is the perfect time to hold a remembrance of the lives lost to the LRA.

“Holidays are time for family, but also remember that there a lot of children who have been stripped from there families because they may have lost their parents a few years ago,” she said.