RAs using hashtag #iamanra

Lindsay Kriz

Staying connected is no longer just a physical task for Resident Assistants.

Now, finding out what RAs are up to around campus is as easy as a Twitter search. Social networks such as Twitter have helped bring RAs closer together with the hashtag #iamanra.

 Nashville junior Simone Lampkin, an RA in Minton Hall, has started tweeting about her job.

“When we first got accepted as RAs, they encouraged us to use the hashtag,” she said. “If it’s school-related, I tag it.”

Lampkin said she even took her settings off of private so that others could see what type of school-related tweets she was sending.

Minnette Huck, a coordinator for HRL, is part of the committee that oversees the RA activities. Huck said that during training, tweets would flash across a screen in the morning to show everyone.

“People would laugh at any of the tweets or pictures posted,” Huck said. “It was a good way to bring them all together and show them that they have the same experience throughout campus.”

Steve Briggs, assistant director for HRL, credited Huck with helping to create and implement the hashtag. Briggs guessed that about 100 WKU RAs became involved with Twitter because of it.