Friday’s Board of Regents meeting on schedule despite snow

Caitlin Carter

Thursday’s snow has all ready brought on WKU regional campus closures and local school delays.

But as of now, Friday’s Board of Regents meeting is anticipated to take place at its regularly scheduled time, said Julia McDonald, senior administrative assistant to the President.


McDonald said there are many regents that travel to WKU for the meetings.

If the out-of-towners are unable to attend, McDonald said the meeting will still convene because six of the 11 regents would make it.

“We would still have a quorum with the local regents,” McDonald said.

Though the snow hasn’t prove to be a hazard yet, McDonald said that if it gets worse, the meeting may be postponed.

“Obviously we’ve still got tonight to consider,” McDonald said.

McDonald said if tomorrow’s meeting is cancelled or delayed, Bob Skipper, director of media relations, will release a statement.