Groups assemble packages for World AIDS Day

Caitlin Carter

Today, members of organizations across campus and Bowling Green volunteered their time to help others in need.

In honor of World AIDS Day, which will take place on Dec. 1, students and community members assembled packages of basic medical supplies that will be shipped to caregivers of AIDS victims, said Bowling Green senior Caley Foster.


Foster was representing Omega Phi Alpha service sorority.

“The packages will be shipped to various locations throughout Africa and Asia,” Foster said.

Matt Haste, college minister at Living Hope Baptist Church, said the kits include:

–Latex gloves

–Petroleum jelly





–Oral rehydration salts

–Anti-fungal cream

–Water purification sachets

–Pack of batteries

–Cotton balls

–Hand-written notes of encouragement

There were 150 packages assembled, which will provide 30 caregivers supplies for one year, Haste said.


The initiative to assemble the packages was created through the World Vision Organization, said campus minister Mary Reding.Students and community members took part in the initiative for Make a Difference Week, which began yesterday, Reding said.

Reding said that this event is only one of many that campus organizations and community members will take part in throughout the week.

“At the football game Saturday, there will be supply boxes in various locations around the stadium where people can place new or gently used shoes,” Reding said. “This is for the Soles 4 Souls program.”

More information on the program can be found at, she said.

Normally during Make a Difference week, students attend a Veritas forum, Haste said. The forum includes a guest speaker.

“The message from the forum engages the mind,” Haste said. “But this year we wanted to engage the hands, so it’s called Veritas in Action.”

Haste said Veritas in Action is a good way for Christians to come together for a good cause.

“We are putting faith into action,” he said.