BREAKING NEWS: Star women’s basketball prospect puts decision on hold

Michael Casagrande

The day women’s basketball fans have been waiting for will have to wait.

Coveted Sacred Heart Academy senior Crystal Kelly had planned on making her college decision known as early as tomorrow, but her plans


are now on hold.

Kelly was on Western’s campus on Sunday to look at the School of Journalism and Broadcasting’s facilities. She said she is still looking at Western, Louisville and Kentucky.

She had previously listed Florida and Vanderbilt as finalists, but she said today they are now out of the picture.

Kelly said she is looking to major in photojournalism and wanted to look at the journalism programs of the three in-state schools she is considering.

Kelly admitted that she knew which of the three was the best, but would still visit the other two. Western finished third in the 2003 Hearst Intercollegiate Journalism Competition, becoming the first school to finish in the top 3 five straight years. The photojournalism program has already finished first in this years Hearst photography competition.

Kelly has been recognized as the state’s best women’s player. She was given the Miss Basketball award earlier this week.

Reach Michael Casagrande at [email protected].
