Sports Brief

Michael Casagrande

The past week has been full of decisions for Sacred Heart Academy senior Crystal Kelly.

The All-American Western recruit had settled on a school, changed her mind and is now 99 percent sure she has come to a final decision.


The decision will come in the next seven days Kelly said Monday.

Kelly said she was impressed with the School of Journalism and Broadcasting facilities after a Sunday afternoon tour. She had said that she planned on touring journalism facilities at her other two finalists, the universities of Louisville and Kentucky, but she isn’t sure she will make those visits now.

Kelly, Kentucky’s Miss Basketball 2004, plans to study photojournalism and has three years of experience in high school.

Kelly said her parents also liked what they saw, but in the end, the college decision is hers.

“It’s my call,” Kelly said. “But they have input. They let me make the decision and I know they will be behind me.”

-Michael Casagrande