Dining services listens to student feedback

Ashlee Clark

Students who had beef with dining services had a chance to share their thoughts last week.

Eight students participated in a forum with representatives from dining services on Thursday. It was sponsored by the Student Government Association. Seven of the eight students at the forum were SGA members.


Meal plan options and sanitation and smoking areas for Aramark employees were some of the topics discussed during the forum.

Ian Venskus, a freshman from Rumford, Maine, said he’s had problems unintentionally going over his meal plan limit when getting food in the Garrett Food Court.

The dining services representatives said there should be more visible signs in the Garrett Food Court that specify which items can be paid for by meal plan and which would cost extra.

“It sounds to me like the emphasis needs to be on the front side,” said Rob Chrisler, director of auxiliary services. “When you get to the cashier, it’s too late.”

Barry Wells, senior director of dining services, said dining services should also look into making sure there are enough meal plan options available during peak dining hours.

Sanitation within dining services was also discussed.

Patti Johnson, executive vice president for the SGA, said she once saw an employee use a restroom without washing her hands afterward.


That employee later served food, she said.

Wells said the employee probably washed her hands before serving food because there are sinks in the food preparation areas.

He said there should be more signs in restrooms reminding food service workers to wash their hands.

Venskus said he thought the forum was really helpful.

“They answered all my questions and I really think they’re going to make improvements to their services,” he said.

Reach Ashlee Clark at [email protected]