Social Security use raises issues

Lindsey Reed

Committee head elections and a report on Social Security number usage on campus will highlight the first University Senate meeting of the school year at 3:30 p.m. today in the Garrett Ballroom.

“It’s sort of an organizational meeting,” senate chair Doug Smith said.


He encourages faculty to attend the meeting.

“If anyone has an issue in terms of policy, any faculty member can speak before the senate,” he said.

Smith begins his first full school year as senate chair. He assumed office last fall after history professor Robert Dietle was elected faculty regent.

“It has been a good learning experience,” Smith said. “Every faculty member should have a chance.”

Senate vice chair Jim Berger said he also hopes faculty members attend and encourages others to attend meetings.

“The Senate has the ability to impact faculty directly or indirectly,” Berger said.

Berger said everyone should be aware of the Senate’s decisions and the directions of the decisions.


Electing committee heads and a report from Dietle will be a few items on the agenda, Smith said.

Smith said they’ll also get a report concerning the use of Social Security numbers as identification numbers for students.

Berger said change in the senate charter regarding the College of Health and Human Services will also be on the agenda.

“The charter currently doesn’t have a way to accept them into the senate,” Berger said.

The College of Health and Human Services was created in August 2002, according to the Western Web site.

Reach Lindsey Reed at [email protected].