Mahurin Honors College and Gatton Academy organize research fair

Car taillights pass in front of the Mahurin Honors College on March 8, 2018.

Genesis Malone, News reporter

WKU’s Mahurin Honor College and International Center hosted a research fair and picnic Friday for the students of the Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science and the Honor Scholars.

“The first hour was for all the honor students to come by and research what we have to offer and then the last hour is for the Gatton academy students to do the same,” Laura King, WKU admissions counselor said.

The event included the WKU departments of language, history, music, social work, and the Gordon Ford College of Business. Students were encouraged to visit the different tables to discuss opportunities such as scholarships, internships and studying abroad. 


This is one of the first event Gatton Academy offers within the first week of the semester; Gatton has hosted this event alone in the past. This is the first time the Honor College and Gatton has collaborated for this event. 

“The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science has done this for years, we were interested in doing the same thing and they were kind enough to let us host it here at the Honors College,” Susann Davis, assistant director of academics said.

The picnic on the lawn was moved to the inside due to the weather. 

 “The idea is to connect students with faculty members who are in the field that the students are interested in taking up,” Davis said.

Students were able to receive information about their majors and minors and also programs offered by both Gatton and the Honors College, such as the Chinese Flagship Program, summer internships and the National Student Exchange. 

“They gave me some really good ideas for how to go about the major I want to do, so I took some of their ideas and decided on a double major in Arabic and Asian Religion,” Nathan Hudzinskin, a freshman said.

News reporter Genesis Malone can be reached at [email protected].