WKU opens search for executive director, Title IX coordinator of new office

Debra Murray, Content Editor

WKU is currently searching for an executive director for a new office known as the Office of Institutional Equity.

The position will handle “compliance issues,” according to an email sent to faculty and staff by Rob Hale, associate provost for faculty and academic excellence.

The person ultimately installed as director will also serve as Title IX Coordinator, a position currently held in interim by General Counsel Andrea Anderson after Deborah Wilkins was terminated last November.


“Reporting to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, The Executive Director of the Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator is charged with upholding the values of equity and diversity and is the university official charged with developing, implementing, and monitoring university programs, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, ensure equal opportunity and access, prevent and address discrimination across campus, and oversee all aspects of compliance with Titles VI, VII, IX, VAWA, ADA, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and related state laws and institutional governing polices,” the job description states.

Some responsibilities include developing university-wide training related to antidiscrimination laws, policies and procedures including Title IX; overseeing “thorough, impartial, and timely” investigations of complaints of discrimination, harassment and retaliation and drafting “thorough, reliable, and impartial” investigation reports; issuing findings, determinations and recommendations on cases “as appropriate.”

Hale, Anderson and Title IX Deputy/Investigator Joshua Hayes were contacted to confirm the position’s salary range, but none were available for comment at the time of publication. This information will be added as it becomes available.

“Once the person is hired, they will lead in the creation of the office and seek input from the campus community as we continue to make equity a priority at WKU,” Hale said in the email.

Content Editor Debra Murray can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @debramurrayy