WKU Greek life organizations came together in DSU on Wednesday, Nov. 28 to wrap presents for the Christmas Angel Program.
The program provides items like clothing and toys for children who are in need in the Bowling Green community.
The program is now in its third year, and this year, WKU partnered with Parker-Bennett-Curry Elementary School, sponsoring 34 children from the school to align with the 34 fraternity and sorority chapters on campus.
“People don’t think about how fraternities have an opportunity for public outreach,” Braden Clough, sophomore Sigma Nu fraternity member, said.
Clough believes that the event allows Greek life members to give back and serve the communities that surround them.
With Christmas music rattling around the room and members of Greek life on campus gathering to wrap presents for children, the room was filled with Christmas cheer.
Morgan Wyne, senior member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., spoke on the importance of sororities and fraternities giving back to the communities that give to them.
The students will be delivering each of their wrapped gifts to the children on Thursday, Nov. 29 in hopes that the deserving kids will have a Christmas of their dreams.
“With these gifts, we are helping that child have a little bit more of a childhood,” Payton Bingham, senior Omega Phi Alpha member said. “ … Every child should be able to wake up to gifts on Christmas.”
News Reporter Kaylee Hawkins can be reached at kaylee.hawkins407@topper.wku.edu