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Photos: The 28th annual PRISM Concert

WKU band students perform at the 28th annual PRISM Concert hosted by WKU Bands on Friday, Jan. 26. According to WKU’s website the concert brought together groups like the WKU Jazz Band, Steel Drum Band, the Wind Ensemble, The Red Shirts and more. (Eli Randolph)
Dr. Gary Schallert conducts conducts the wind ensemble at the 28th annual PRISM Concert host by WKU Bands on Friday, Jan. 26. They did absolutely great,” Schallert said. (Eli Randolph)
Melissa Keeling, a professor in the music department, performs an original song called “Radiance” on her flute. (Eli Randolph)
Dr. Gary Schallert (right) sits backstage listening to the performances and overseeing the activities backstage during the PRISM Concert on Friday, Jan. 26. (Eli Randolph)
A member of the WKU Steel Band launches a beachball into the crowd of the PRISM Concert on Friday, Jan. 26. (Eli Randolph)
Two students trumpets lay waiting to be played backstage at the PRISM Concert. (Eli Randolph)
Stagehands JoJo Nieto and Evan Baker read the set list for the PRISM Cncert backstage on Friday, Jan. 26. (Eli Randolph)
Dr. Wayne Pope accepted an engraved desktop clock for his retirement this Spring and for his 25 years doing voiceovers for the PRISM at the 28th annual PRISM Concert on Friday, Jan. 26. (Eli Randolph)
A PRISM Concert attendee takes a video of the WKU Big Red Marching Band performing “Toxic” on Friday, Jan. 26. (Eli Randolph)
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